nmd206 project_design_lab
nmd206 project_design_lab
artists say:
We are immigrants to cyberspace, our children are natives.
- John Perry Barlow
students say:
... technical innovation that leads to greater distribution and sharing of information and ideas. —EFoltz
... the latest technologies used around the world to express or communicate something. —DGriffin
... the use of technology to create new models of dialogue.
... a new conversation only because it allows us access to conversations once held out of reach.
... always grassroots
... always me and you and no longer them. There is no longer a "they", as in, "They say it's gonna rain today." It rains, and we know it rains because we can show it to one another.
... about talking back: when the weatherman says it will rain, we can tell him he's wrong. We can demand a better weatherman. But most importantly, we can become the weatherman...
... for me, it's the hope that all we need to cure the world's ills...to invite more people into the conversation. —ESalvaggio
tries to...promote growth and connection between users and the machine. —JShaw
...the playground for the creative thinking of our age. —GJones
... it's like art through the computer. —KHoudlette
work of the eyes is done, now
go and do heart work
on all the images imprisoned within you
--rilke, turning point
prof joline blais
400 chadbourne
FC: joline.blais
tues/thurs 9:30-10:45 & 11-12:15, CH 420
office hrs T 2-3pm & Th 10-10:45; and by appointment
highlighted student projects
Rides for Me, Lindsey Heald & Tim McCann
Fall 2011
Appicture, Derek O'Brien, Ian McGinley, Adam Bouffard
Fall 2011
Projects, Emma Howard
Spring 2011
How we use our brain changes our brain.
--Now You See It
Albert Einstein said technological change is like an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal.
--Now You See It
what is new media & how do i make it?