Task 1 Seeing Anew


Use a DSLR caerma for this first assignment if possible.

Set DSLR camera Image Quality to L ” large jpg” (on image left below)  OR raw + jpeg ( select the  raw instead of the dash — in the top row)  until you learn to export jpg in Lightroom.

Go to a location with a complex visual landscape–a craft store, a garden, a railroad bridge, etc  Pick one spot with a variety of visuals nearby, and from this spot (the size of a hula-hoop), create as many photos as you need to in order to realize 4 really fine photos. You’re look for an unusual angle, composition, color, movement, moment, gesture, etc.

Apple iPhones will capture in HEIC format *better quality with smaller file, but won’t upload online), unless you set them to capture jpgs.  You can also capture HEIC/HEIF files, but convert them on your laptop afterwards. That way you have bth high quality and compatible files.

You should end up with 4 really fine photos total which you can upload (jpgs) into a WordPress post on this website. using a gallery with 4 columns.

Once you have the photos uploaded to your computer, create a post in class website with the ” +Post” button  (in top black bar once you are logged in), and create a post with the criteria listed below.

Next In your post, add a Gallery by clicking on the “Add Media button”, then the Gallery button. Here you can upload your 4 images to your post.  Use captions to describe each photos/locations.  Once you create gallery, you will get a second screen, which you should set to these settings:

Below is a sample gallery from photos I took in one location.

Uploading photos:

  • Use jpg images with your name as file name (for this & all future assignments) eg jolineb1-1.jpg
  • Use Preview (on Mac) Irfanview or Xnview (for PC) to optimize images

Post settings:

  • Post Title: Task 1_FirstL  ( First=first name, L=last name initial)
  • Post format: Standard
  • Post category: Task 1

DUE Sunday 5 pm, as ALL photo assignments unless otherwise noted.