I believe...every film [story] must contain some degree of 'planned violence' upon its audience. In a good film [story], people must be made to see something that they dont want to see; they must be made to approve of someone of whom they had previously disapproved, they must be forced to look where they had refused to look.
Intro — Zoom, Website, Slack, Class Resources
Video Game Storytelling Ch1 & 2
Story: Conflict, the fuel of story & Basic Structure
Learn to Design Video Games
Review Game Worlds document
DO (by Friday)
Review World Anvil, OneStop, Scrivener, Twine , Game Design Document
- Bioshock–role of little sisters
- Tribes of Europa, Chapter 5 Crimson mission episode (war vs negotiation)
Planning environments via Maps
Pick a format for your story and begin loading your World Anvil Materials into whatever format you will be using: World Anvil, OneStop, Scrivener, Twine , Game Design Document. You should be able to present the beginning of your Format after break. If you are using World Anvil, consider organizing your materials for better presentation.
If you do not yet have visuals for your story, find/create some–you will need characters, environment, scenes, living quarters, etc. You should be adding these to you World Anvil Library.
No formal Task or post is due, but you should have some of your story content into a final story form to show in class Monday after break. Your first post for this will be Task 9 due friday after break.
Story development depends on format used
Sacred Stories define what’s possible in your world
- Bioshock–role of little sisters
- Tribes of Europa, Chapter 5 Crimson mission episode (war vs negotiation)
Story Structure:
Hook, Inciting events, plot points
Three acts: opening, inciting events, build, climax, resolution
Read Story Structure, esp 3 Act timeline & Plor Points.
Review Character Arcs from earlier in the course to plan how character and plot development coincide.
Revise/add to your story so you have a something like a full First Act—
Hook, Set-up, Inciting event, Build-up, and first plot point
Story Structure:
Reactions, pinch points, realizations, reversals
Three acts: opening, inciting events, build, climax, resolution
Read Story Structure, Esp Second Act
Revise/add to your story so you have a something like a full Second Act—
Reactions, pinch points, realizations, renews push to goal, setbacks.
Story Structure:
Reactions, pinch points, realizations, reversals
Three acts: opening, inciting events, build, climax, sacrifice, resolution
Read Story Structure, Esp Third Act
Revise/add to your story so you have a something like a full Third Act—Plot points, failures/recoveries, showdown, climax, resolution
Review Character Arcs, and adjust add change your story to improve your character’s arc.
Monday: Final Story Class Presentations
Make final revision so your Story Structure and Character arcs support each other.
Final Project DUE Friday May 29
Due Tues April 30
Level 1
Your achievements in Level 1 activities.
Thes include: tba

level 2
Your achievements in Level 2 activities.
Thes include: tba
Level 3
Your achievements in Level 3 activities.
Thes include: tba

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