In the year 2536 Earth has run out of natural resources. Hunger, famine and sickness has killed nearly half of earth's population. A team of Astronomers and engineers known as ELR (earths.last.resort) look to space for a solution, after decades of research and trillions in funding from an anonymous corporation ELR devise a plan to send vessels into deep space with cryogenically frozen workers to mine resources and bring them back to earth.
(click-replace: "Continue?")[The year is now 3216. ELR was a major success, Earth is thriving. ELR still backed by an unknown benefactor is the most profitable company in human history. ELR owns hundreds of deep space vessels all tasked for the transport of natural resources between earth and K4N3-30233-2, except one...
(click-replace: "Continue?")[Vessel 237 code named Akakios is tasked with the delivery of an unknown cargo...
As per the unknown benefactors instructions this information has been withheld from the Akakios crew
[[Begin -> start]]]
You are a low level engineer on the Akakios currently in cryo-sleep until the vessel reaches its first destination to receive a shipment of what you believe to be resources and return them to earth
[[Wake up ->wake up]](text-style:"shudder")[HIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS] white smoke pours out of an opening cryo-sleep pod
you wake slowly standing up from your pod, you notice red emergency lights are flashing, no one is in there cryo-sleep pods
[[Investigate other pods -> Pods]]
[[Go to the brig -> Brig]]The pods around you are all empty, you notice a pod near the back of the room next to an open air vent
as you approach the pod you notice the door is destroyed leaving only shredded metal, it has been ripped open...
[[Investigate air vent -> air vent]]
[[Go to Brig -> Brig]] you walk down a long hallway only illuminated by the slow flashing red lights
you enter the brig. The room is filled with blinking control panels all facing a large window, through the window you see a sun letting off a yellow and purple light silhouetting a man standing in front of the glass
you approach the man
[["What is going on?" -> captain diologe 1]]
[[where is everyone? -> captain diologe 2]]
you pull yourself up to get a view inside the vent. It is too dark to see inside but you hear a faint rumbling noise. As you lower yourself you slip making a loud BANG!
the rumbling stops for a moment than starts getting louder
[[It's probably just a fan -> Death]]
[[Hide -> hidden 1]]You Have Died
<img scr="" width="500" height="300">
[[Play Again? -> start]]You dive under the destroyed cryo-sleep pod and cover your mouth
the rumbling gets louder and louder than abruptly stops...
a black leg descends slowly only visible by reflection of the red flashing light, the creature lets out a faint growl that sounds like a soft deep purr
[[stay put ->hidden 1/2]]
[[Make a run for the brig -> Death]] the creature walks around the room slowly than lets our a screech and runs back into the air vents
[[Go to the brig -> Brig]] The man steps away from the window, he is the captain of the Akakios
"just a small hiccup, we'll be back on course in a few hours, Oh you're an engineer why don't you get to sub level 4 and turn off the emergency lights and report back to me, here take this" -Captain
Trust the Captain
[[Go to sub level 4 -> elevator]]
Something feels wrong
[[Go to your quarters to figure out what's going on -> quarters]]The man stays in front of the window
"oh I'm sure they're around here somewhere nothing to worry about"
[["What is going on?" -> captain diologe 1]]You enter the elevator in the brig and select sub level 4, the doors close
[[sub level 4 -> sublevel4]]You arrive at your quarters, you sit and contemplate the situation
(click-replace: "Continue?")["well look who decided to dis-obay orders" -Captain
tell me what's going on]
(click-replace: "tell me what's going on")[tell me what's going on
"it's simple, we were hired to bring a new alien species back to earth for experimentation... but no one including the crew is supposed to know that" -Captain
[[turn around to face the captain -> you lose]]
]SUB-LEVEL-4 machine maintenance
The doors open to reveal a dark hallway, you step out and the doors shut behind you
the red flashing gives everything a red hue
you walk through the poorly lit room stepping around destroyed machine's and loose parts all covered in an liquid, must be an oil leak somewhere you think
you reach the emergency turn off switch
[[Turn off -> lights on]]
[[Leave on -> sublevel4 2]]over the loudspeaker an automated voice "Emergency Protocol Deactivated All Doors Unlocked"
The lights in the room switch from red blinking to normal fluorescent. As you turn around you see the room and what was thought to be machine parts. You look in horror as you now see they are the mangled bodys of your coworkers and your hands not covered in oil but blood.
you hear a familiar rumbling from the air vents above
[[go back to the elevator -> elevator 2]]
[[Hide -> hidden 2]]OVER YOUR RADIO
"whats taking so long? flip the switch already that's an order" - captain
[[Turn off -> lights on]]
[[Ignore the order and go to your quarters -> quarters]]You run down the hallway to the elevator doors and the rumbling is getting louder
you reach the door and press the open button repeatedly but its slow
the rumbling has elevated to a loud banging
the elevator doors slowly start to open
you hear loud wet footsteps charging towards you
you get inside the elevator and start pressing the close door button
as the doors are closing you get a look at the creature running at you, just as its claws reach the door they slam shut
[[return to the brig ->brig 2]]
[[Go to your quarters to figure out what's going on -> quarters]]you hide under a workbench and cover your mouth, it is hard to keep your footing because of all the blood on the floor
a black tail descends slowly from the air vent, the creature lets out a faint growl that sounds like a soft deep purr
the creature roams around the room picking up and throwing the mangled body parts of your co-workers
you lose your footing and slip in the puddle of blood making a splat sound
the creature goes silent and you hear a light fast pitter patter
[[Next -> Death]]You enter the brig
"what is going on" you ask
"it's simple, we were hired to bring a new alien species back to earth for experimentation... but no one including the crew is supposed to know that" -Captain
The Captain points a gun at you
you slowly put your hands up
you hear a faint rumbling noise from the vent above you
[[Try to reason with him -> you lose 2]]
[[Inch closer to the vent -> you win]]You turn around to face the Captain, he's aiming a gun at you
[[Put your hands up -> you lose 2]]
[[Try to take his gun -> you lose 2]]
(text-style:"shudder")[BANG] The Captain has killed you
you lose
[[Play Again? -> start]]You inch a step behind the vent
the rumbling stops for a moment than starts getting louder
The Captain steps closer to you and is now under the vent
"I'd say it didn't have to end like this but letting the alien kill all workers was always part of the plan"
The Alien jumps out of the vent directly onto the Captain
You sprint out of the brig only hearing the (text-style:"shudder")[BANG] of the Captains gun and his screams
[[Continue? -> win 2]]you manage to get into an escape pod and leave the ship, as you fly by the Akakios you see the aftermath of the Captain and aliens fight... he did not win
As you drift off into space in your escape pod you hear a faint rumbling from the outside of your shuttle...
[[Play Again? -> start]]
↶↷In the year 2536 Earth has run out of natural resources. Hunger, famine and sickness has killed nearly half of earth's population. A team of Astronomers and engineers known as ELR (earths.last.resort) look to space for a solution, after decades of research and trillions in funding from an anonymous corporation ELR devise a plan to send vessels into deep space with cryogenically frozen workers to mine resources and bring them back to earth.