It all started with a name. **[[Collin]]**.
Then a handshake.
A conversation.
**[[Friendship]]**.Collin was my **[[friend]]**.
An old boyfriend.
Someone I resented.
A friend again.
He was [[kind]].
**[[A nerd and geek]]**.Friendship with **[[Collin]]** was something else.Collin was a friend to many.
To name a few:
**[[Myself]]****[[Collin]]** was very kind.
He could easily make someone's day.
He made friends with almost anyone he met.Collin was eccentric.
Tap this passage, then the pencil icon to edit it.Tap this passage, then the pencil icon to edit it.Tap this passage, then the pencil icon to edit it.Tap this passage, then the pencil icon to edit it.Tap this passage, then the pencil icon to edit it.The one thing I always think of when I think of Collin is that really intense game of Magic: The Gathering we played at Gamers Guild. I think it might’ve been you, me, him, and Byron???
A.N: Magic: The Gathering is a fantasy card game. It was Collin's favorite game to play in our school's Gamer's Guild. He taught me over and over again because I always forgot the rules. Naturally he beat me every time. Even after Collin died I collected cards in his honor waiting for the day he could teach me again. I even have a few Pop! Funkos of characters from the game to keep Collin close to me.So, something I held near and dear about Collin was our ability to reconnect no matter how long it had been since we had chatted or seen each other. One summer, after a good few months of not talking, he called me. We spent a good 3 or 4 hours on the phone, both of us playing video games, at times falling silent, sometimes laughing so hard we cried. No matter how far we had drifted it was like we were always close. He had so much compassion and love in him, and let everyone he cared about know it.
And I guess the other piece to that is that.. for my 16th birthday, he wrote a poem for me. It meant a lot. I didn't ask him (or maybe I did I don't remember) but it was about rainbows and how even after your darkest storm, a rainbow would come out, and he said he felt like I was a light that pulled him out of his darkest times. It is a piece that even though it wasn't perfect, I have kept forever. It meant a lot to me. He was so deep and sentimental while being aloof and goofy at the same time.Collin and I were never like super close friends, but what I loved most about him was everytime the first day of school came around and i saw him in my classes it was always a sigh of relief. He was such a fun person and a good positive presence to have in class with you. I miss that guy ❤️For me, Collin was someone I was very fond of.
I have a few memories to share.
One being back in middle school. We met through theatre when I was in 8th grade and he was in 7th. We both had very small parts, "advertisements" for intermission. His part was to be a therapist for the Sesame Street characters. During rehersal he made me this really ugly looking bunny. To accompany it he wrote me a poem. As stated in Dani's memory, Collin loved to write poetry. Years later my mom found both but I can't remember where I put them.
Another memory