Are you ready to be transported???
Lets GO!
[[Off we go!]]
It is time to choose which way our journey will begin...And it starts with a simple question...
This road is the one less travelled. Who knows what will be waiting for us?
[[Go East]]This road is often travelled by many different creatures. From Ogres to pegasus to the Queen's Royal Gaurd.
[[Go West]]Aren't you a curious one? The woods are very thick and only getting thicker. It is late...
[[Keep moving forward]]
Heading to the highlands. The mountains are filled with magic...good, bad and ugly.
[[Quick!!]]Deeper and deeper you go, into the woods...all of a sudden a witch apears infront of you. She holds her hands out to you and tells you to choose a hand. She is offering you 2 different gifts to help you with your journey.
[[Spell Book]]
Choose wiselyBlack in color, tiny but powerful. This crystal is protection and saftey. With this, you will never have to worry about harmed.
[[Choose the Crystal]]This is the witches spell book, passed down from her entire bloodline. A spell book is a powerful tool, but if you dont have the materials or the proper knowledge...
[[Choose Spellbook]]
There is something in the brush up ahead...
[[Go see what it is]]
[[Take the long way]] AWE!! cutie little bunny
[[Up ahead you see a stream]]Smart choice. Who knows what that creature could have been...Spookyyyy
[[Up ahead you see a stream]]
A simple but smart choice. With this crystal you can find comfort in the fact you will always be protected.
[[Up ahead you see a stream]]
This route will ultimately benifit you in the end...however, you will need to do a lot of practice before trying out one of these spells.
[[Up ahead you see a stream]][[there is a boat]]
[[there is a wagon]]the boat will help you get down the river.
[[hop in boat]]This wagon is full of fresh fruits and other supplies you may need.
[[hop in wagon]]While travelling in the wagon, you notice a cottage up ahead. The energy in the air is so magical that you have to go up to the door and knock.
[[knock knock]]
while heading down the river you start to hear the water get louder...
[[look out for the waterfaaaaaall]]XXto your surprise, the person opening the door is the witch you encountered a couple days ago. She invites you in for dinner.
[[Go in]]
[[Continue on your way]]
While she prepares dinner, she asks how your journey has been so far as well as offering you some tea.
"I have already learned a lot about myself and the strenght I have within me."
She asks "would you like more tea, dear?"
before you have time to say anything your vision starts to go in and out and you feel like youre going to faint....
"what was in that tea??" you ask, Before falling to the ground.
XXYou thank her for the offer but you want to know what else lies ahead in the forest.
While leaving her house you see something twinkling in the distance...
[[Approach twinkles]]It's a fairy!!
not just any fairy, but your fairy godmother. However, you can only ask her to grant you one wish.
[[Make your wish now]]
[[Save your wish]]
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