Author: SamPorter

Final Portfolio – Sam Porter

Final Portfolio – Sam Porter   Updated Portfolio and Course Work with new items since the first round. NMD200 is complete with all work. Added NMD345 and ART350 sections. Revised text in various places around the site and fixed some margins and other small things too.

Project 3 – Sam Porter

Project 3 – Sam Porter

Sam Porter – Project 2

Sam Porter – Project 2

Task 10 – Sam Porter

Task 10 – Sam Porter

Destructive meme: While a somewhat old, or “dead” meme, this one is known as the “Overly Attached Girlfriend” meme. There are many versions of this image with different lines of text, all working off the same concept. The girl is overly attached, toxic, demanding, and More

Sam Porter – Task 7

Sam Porter – Task 7

Innovative design—Describe your new design, app, service, product, etc. This new functionality included by default with any smartphone operating system will help users stay motivated to fulfill their goals, keeping them accountable. It will push non-removable (cannot be swiped away) notifications to the top of More

Task 5 – Sam Porter

Task 5 – Sam Porter

Canva only lets me export to this tiny resolution because it’s a free account. So here is a link to a pdf of it as well. NMD200 Task5

Task 4 – Sam Porter, Ryan Mendes, Brianna Neely

Task 4 – Sam Porter, Ryan Mendes, Brianna Neely

Here’s How Social Media Affects Your Mental Health | McLean Hospital

Task2 – Sam Porter

Task2 – Sam Porter

To find issues with technology I recalled upon my own experiences and asked my girlfriend for things she has noticed as well. One of the biggest negative impacts technology we have both experienced is eyestrain. After a couple hours of screen time, we both find More

Task 1, Samuel Porter

Task 1, Samuel Porter

I selected Principal #4 of Permaculture, “Apply self-regulation and accept feedback.” This one stood out to me as self-growth and improvement have been important parts of my life. It is impossible to improve if you do not take the effort to start, nothing happens without More