Group Members

  1. Robert Hebert
  2. Andreas Sandoval
  3. Tyler D’Ambrosio: Reporter
  4. John Baker
  5. Michael Gecawicz: Leader
  6. Thanisorn Jarujinda: Notetaker

In the class, our group decided to discuss Surveillance.

  • We raised to fear of 911.
  • The U.S. government is secretly taking control of the media like audio, camera, etc.
  • Facebook – facial recognition. In the sense of how it keeps tracking children’s faces on the platforms even though he/she has no account on this platform.
  • Taking photos and posting them into these platforms are to be considered. These data can be taken by the online third parties.
  • One example of Francie, her series has been taken since she was really young and this information are taken and can be used by others.
  • Fixing the crime by putting more surveillance but not looking at the root problem.
  • We are not aware of how these cameras, audio files can be taken secretly by the government.
  • An example of Alexa. The incident of the person having experience in how Alexa trying to give more attention to your credit cards and medications.
  • The developers did not know how to explain their products and fix the problems.