Journal #2 CarlyC

September 12, 2019

Journal #2 CarlyC


One of the things my group discussed is the show ‘Person of Interest’, and how a machine was built in the show, to help determine when and where bad things were going to happen, such as terrorist attacks. One of our group members brought up the point that the internet, google, and even facebook have enough information about us, to possibly do the same type of thing. Another topic we talked about is how human instincts have either become dormant or people choose not to listen to them anymore. For example in Bangladesh a few years ago, a Tsunami struck, the natives there, knew the signs and got to high ground, to safety. The tourists, on the other hand, didn’t they relied on a warning system through their phones or the radio. However, the thing about tsunamis is there is no warning system except for the retreat of water, and the animals leaving the shore and going to higher ground.

One app that I would change is Samsung Health on my phone, I enjoy many of the features, like adding my food, adding my exercise, it shows me how many carbs, fat, and protein in the food I eat, etc. One thing that I hate, is it can’t tell whether I’m walking riding a bike or driving, it registers the movement as a step. So if I go on a two-hour car ride, I’ll look down at my phone when I get to my destination and it says I did two hours of exercise. I wish it would tell between walking, running, riding a bike and driving a car. One way it could do this is by using my GPS location to figure out my speed, and think “oh, she’s going 60 miles an hour, she’s not walking, or running, so it turns off until I start walking again. Another way it could is by becoming more aware of how the human body moves, keeping track of my heart rate, being intuned with the human body. 

The second technology I dislike is my willingness to distract myself using my phone. When I do homework I check my phone multiple times because either, I’m bored, I’m agitated or I’m procrastinating. This affects my attention because every time I look at my phone, or someone messages me or I get a notification I get taken out of the zone to do homework. Once I open my phone I think I should check Facebook or Instagram, which is bad, and it tends to get worse, the more I dislike the work I’m doing. However I don’t think I have it as bad as others, I don’t get depressed by not getting likes from people, I don’t define my self worth by someone else commenting on my status or friending me. But other problems come with a phone, texting, humans tend to be very good at social cues. Listening to the way someone phrases something, or the way they say it, give the other person more information to go off of. This becomes a problem for some while texting, you get the words, but you don’t get the voice, words can often be misinterpreted. 

One way to fix these problems would be to have my phone be on “Do not Disturb” for other people, so they can still contact me, but I don’t get the message until I’ve cleared the setting. This setting should block even me out for a certain amount of time, or have some way to know I’m done with my homework and then it lets me back in. 

For the texting problem, having the words texted, but have the voice connected to them, could help give a clearer message to the other person, but then the argument to just call someone comes to mind. Since over the phone, it’s harder to misinterpret what someone is saying. Perhaps there could be a way to connect the emotion the person is feeling and send it to the other person to deepen the connection of the conversation? Or if there was a possibility to meet that particular person, it would find the best places to meet in the area that you both liked and sending you both there. For depression, an app could be created that would text, or notify someone closest to you know, that you’re depressed or anxious. So even if you feel as if you can’t call someone, like you’re paralyzed by your anxiety, suddenly, that person will call you, or message you to make sure you’re okay. Another thing would be it could contact a psychiatrist, or a mental health professional, who could help you.