Yes Magazine: Technology as an Addiction

Having a tool like a phone, tablet, computer, video games….. in possession is a form of tool that is hard to put down because all you want to do is keep working on it. As it states that the creations of this controversy is beging with who is using it, which has the majority of this resolved around the minds of children and young people. When targeted this genre of group you can easily say that entertainment of a morbid sense of pleasure, gains the addiction within using technology. I have to agree why this is, because when you have the division of both adults and the young community, the brain development of seeking information is so different in comparison.  There may be a reason why the younger age gets more attached is valued into to what is fun or not. The more the complex the less attentive can be. It’s just a turn off when no new source of stimulance of exciting and new emotion into the brain wave activity when being younger. As you grow up you have been experiencing lots of new and exciting sources but, all to do to get an addiction is to find a new source situlance that will have addicted and taken interest on a subject in my mind.

Singularity Hub: The Attention Economy

The race of getting information within advertisement pressure, has an effect of the people’s economy trying to find answers. The answers that can tell how a strategy of attention on clicks, will gain popularity that will boost brand recontions. To what the advertisement is trying to campaign and who it targeting will give will give the value of the identity that is trying to express. I see this because of attention to detail. the amount of detail looked into further will disclose more questions about it. Until the questions will be answered or not the attention is the key part of what creates a bandwidth of connections. When you look more into something the more it questions, so advertisement is the best way for economic boom if taken advantage of.

Humane Tech: Suggestion Algorithms Showing More Controversial Content 

In a platform like YouTube, the algorithms are rapid to what the viewers is trying to gain out of it.  To see that theory is just looking at the recommendation of different kinds of videos that suggest the best content the viewer wants to inherit. The flat earth videos or climate change leads to favorably to more curiosity content which is a intent to search for more knowledge. Even i see this pattern when i browse videos with the same relation, which proves the point of flowing algorithms put in use to attention and affection to best like of source content.


Common tech / apps;

Youtube: A massive platform for information and visual entertainment made in video format content

Video Games: Common tech that enables interaction of virtual experiences in a themed setting

The reason to why i choose these two sources is the meaning of what use it has relation to the day of my everyday life of what i find entertainment.

Legger of Harms Issues


Attention – Youtube as a platform of all kinds of content, is one of the best sources that does a good job of receiving attention but also giving attention to what is focused on. This extends people’s attention plan to any interest in mind, letting the freedom to choose and being creative in ways to find a way to apply it to anything. With also a good distraction to explore content to who is bet putting it to use like learning how to code with tutorials.

Mental Health –  Youtube’s recommendation algorithms is a great example of how mental health changes people in their state. WIth someone who wants to succeed in school by looking at learning habits will find videos that leads them into finding out that it’s a lot of work of figuring out ways that doesn’t work for them at the long end. For that puts depression of failure to Mental Health problems.

Relationships – A strong part of Youtube that exceeds greatily by connecting users to others for their share of interests.  As with no unknown ideas of what can separate a person to change or leave in many cases due to a situation or maybe a person.

Democracy –  You can have many opinions of the feeds of news that YouTube points out to you. Yes it can be a system of arguments but also has interesting political information that can have factual contents to have a base to stand on.

Children – Children being on Youtube is interesting to me because a lot of content is generally not filtered to children, but yet parents still let them go on the platform just taking a chance that they won’t end up in somewhere that they don’t belong. Which can create an issue but also teach the meaning of why. Its just an age restriction filtered into keeping information being held, so in the future when the age to appropriately to choose for themselves to make a decision.

Do unto others –  The Humane Tech allow this to have all kinds of content to make this a tech of how to express something. From the creation of technology being for random entertainment instances to actually evolving into all kinds of tech you would have an effect to what your seeking to find in a filtered way.  Connecting similarities to a user or group to have a chance to evolve into any tech that can be useful.


Attention – The Overall task for this is to bring the person to a virtual reality world where experiences can be so out of this world that the attention is significantly triggered when someone sees pleasure in interaction. This can be bad to extent, with the separation of reality and time it takes up.  But for me phyicalogical, i see the attention for video games to be a good source of distraction of the real world when you need time to learn more about your likens and self worth.

Mental Health – Video games do contain content that can vary Mental health in many ways to how its used. I see mental health a way that if not realization of why your using it can be an issue. If your just playing games to avoid doing something to waste time Mental Health there is forming an idea that its okay for that and puts reality outside of existence of being a person that has a life. But when life gets too much mentally the mental health of using video games to have a second world to express those emotions more easily to recover and put problems into a simulation for problem solving.

Relationships – This is interesting because ways to have relationships in video games can be the backup plan when reality doesn’t respond. I have meet so many new and interesting people on online because of video games having multiplayer. This was a way i made connections more often, which the opposite of reality can be a hard and long process to find people that meet interest. Your online and playing the same game you both like, i see no other perfect scenario to have relationships be created.

Democracy –  I see lots of issues in the political ways that video games causes a disturbance in a choice of an opinion of what video game really are. The topic always come up to the video games being violent therefore, the person playing it also is apart of the game. Everytime the factual stats is missed about the person but, more focused on game information, creating arguments for political powers to have an opinion matter more than stats to understand the cause. Politicians aren’t scientist that collect data, they are opinionated celebrities, so who should have the right say?But when stats is proven like microtransactions in a children’s game that simulate gambling by having a chance to win something, is hard for politicians to choose to make that change because its a money business about the game and not about the children’s idea of being okay to spend parents money.

Children – Children exposed to video games can a mixed connection. You can have a small distance that would be gradually dividing reality form the outdoors. But not all games have that effect. With more games out there teaching what’s in the outside world. Just how they act on it, i think is the best way to handle the situation to find out are they growing with the game or not.

Do unto others – Some game developers love making games for people to enjoy and are passionate. But there is also companies that only do it for the money so it may be missing some features, which when paid full price and game turns out to drop the time devoted also drops. Therefore when it’s done for the people or fan base, time and revenue has a potential to rize, just by doing the little things and careful detail.



Youtube relates very well in with the ledger of harm that it pretty well violates every category of the Humane Design guide with certain content shown to be. All relating back to what is useful to the user in the way they want to process and find ideas.


With video games it’s about games that have a change to do the person playing it. When a game doesn’t have an effect for the person to go forward, then why design something that no one is going to enjoy?We see scenarios like with mobile games, where mainly is to addic the person onto playing the game to change the game by having to pay additional parts to enjoy the content. But not all games are like that, which gives higher value for the game but also adding it to the person as well with their own self-joy created within themselves.



YouTube Is lacking some features in terms of how the feedback is taken seriously to be more user based system. A system that feeds the viewer on what its asking for not by what’s it thinks the best sources is. Like some content is looped over again because people tend to click on the most trending parts, which is followed by a more related content that has the same backstory. Instead of looking at what they want to see but created in their own original way, to have a new experience every view that gets explored. I find the best videos come from the way it’s presented, a curiosity to look further on how it became. Not by recycled content that is making me to be addicted to. So the best solution is to have a feedback on what  is consumed, and if interest you to look further to have best results and no content recommended based on other peoples likes.


In Video Game industries need to realize more on consumer base connection rather than what the game looks like. If the connection of trusting the player base to change the game, then video games would be a really great experience of what potential emotion it poses to the creation of such a game. For me the best games where to have fun, learn, and relate, but know you can see a development done in a poor manner just to put it out there for content but leaving behind the player aspects that will hurt the video game production on what was most valued. I can’t argue  that a game that i have to spend real money in game to have fun with others if fun. Which no learning that comes out of it, but learning that you’re broke because the addiction to have fun is the way of the game. With finally relating to time wasted and effort playing the games was the same as of making of the game itself, with no real motivation to find out what makes a game good for a player. It’s sad to see that money and poor decision making, taking over as the golden times where remembered by Freedom of making someone have their own choice how they wish to play and not forced too.