The People Behind Your Tech:
1: 98% of Children today in the US grow up with some form of smartphone/tablet/computer to access the internet
2: Psychologists are debating whether or not over use of technology can be considered addiction
3: Concern about this supposed addiction is growing, 60% of families concerned
4: Digital ethics code should be established
Taming Tech:
1: The internet is a dangerous place and it’s never going to become safe
2: Create Agencies dedicated to protecting public information
3: The public should negotiate with companies on the use of information, not simply have to agree/disagree to their terms
1: Technology outpaces everything about humanity
2: Our tech is designed to abuse human nature
3: Social validation from Social Media creates spikes in depression rates
4: Abusive “Voo-doo dolls” of users
Tech 1: Soda
Attention: Like many modern technology it can be addicting. I myself can sometimes feel almost “Itching” to have a Soda if I haven’t had one in a few days.
Mental Health: Is in general not healthy. So much Sugar at once is not good for body.
Relationships: N/A
Democracy: N/A
Children: Bad for children’s health, they drink to much of it.
Stricter limits on amount of sugar allowed in Sodas and the use of more natural and healthy ingredients to make it less terrible for the body. Remove marketing of Soda towards Children to lower rates of them drinking it.
Tech 2: 4Chan
Attention: Always flooded with new posts and boards to look at, easy to get lost on and always a source of cheap stimulation.
Mental Health: Filled with numerous toxic communities known to spread intense nihilism and hatred. Many Neo-Nazi movements and future mass shooters have been born from communities born from places like 4Chan and 8Chan.
Relationships: The bad influence of so many dangerous and toxic communities can radicalize people into bad ideologies that can ruin their relationships with those outside these groups, leading to further isolation and radicalization.
Democracy: These radicalized groups spread false information and propaganda that props up or tears down candidates.
Children: Need I say it? A child getting sucked into this spiral is arguably incredibly dangerous.
Aggressive reformation and moderation of the entire site, removal of toxic communities like those of incels and White Supremacists. Have a built in timer that tracks the amount of posts you view and comments you post and if it passes a certain threshold in a certain span of time it starts showing you less and less posts until you are forced to log off to let it “Cool-Off.”
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