Summarize at least 4 class resources, whether video or article, in a short paragraph. Cite references for each paragraph at the end of the paragraph in parentheses, using URLs where possible. (4 paragraphs)
1.Facebook, Cambridge Analytica… and Hippocrates
This article describes how the internet has overall changed how or society functions and we as people need to try to take advantage of it and not let it take advantage of us. It also states that our privacy is being affected by the internet of the whole scandal of facebook and selling all of our personal information without our knowledge, but I guess we just were not aware that they have that certain power because whenever most of us never read the terms of service agreement when we sign up. So I guess it can be partially our fault.
(Moscogiuri, Federico. “Facebook, Cambridge Analytica… and Hippocrates.” C4Urselves,
2. The Internet is a Force of Nature
The article would talk about how the internet has evolved and how companies and us humans have evolved with it. The part that was most interesting was how a former googler described how exactly the internet was a force of nature in 4 simple ways. first was network effects and that is the event in which you want to join Facebook because all of your friends are using it. The second is web inputs and this is when the internet analyzes your behavioral patterns and shows you things you want to see. The third is the attention economy and that it when companies try to get you addicted to their website, program, etc to keep you coming back. The last one is platform dynamics and this can be easily described as how google is monetizing peoples use of their platform by shoving ads in their search. The internet has taken our world by storm and it there will be more and more things that we have to worry about in the near future.
(“The Internet Is a Force of Nature. It’s Our Job to Civilize It.” Singularity Hub, 6 Sept. 2019,
3. The People Behind Your Tech Addiction Are Now Trying to Curb It
This one talks about how tech addiction has gotten really serious and how companies are trying to keep us hooked. Social media companies can be the main culprits because they try to add all these little gimmicks to their programs to keep you coming back and to keep you addicted and that can be really unhealthy. To counteract the hypnotism that companies are trying to do, a nonprofit organization called The Center for Humane Technology are trying to show peoples unhealthy habits and how addicted they are to their phones. We need to be more aware of this issue and hopefully, this company can make more people aware
(Schneiderman, Miles. “The People Behind Your Tech Addiction Are Now Trying to Curb It.” YES! Magazine, 28 June 2018,
This video was a very interesting watch. It talked about how the internet is taking advantage of you and using your behavior and personality against you. One good example was how websites create a voodoo doll of yourself and start to manipulate in various ways to get you to keep coming back to that said website like for example with youtube giving you constant videos that fit your interests so keep watching for hours on end without even noticing. It’s crazy to think how easy it is for our society to fall for companies tactics.
(Vimeo, 18 Sept. 2019,
Then define and write a specific question you have or issue you want to research about the link between social media and mental health of young adults. Explain why this question or issue interests you. (a few sentences, to a paragraph)
I guess the question I want to ask is how addiction to technology/internet works and how it affects our minds? This interests me because all of our minds are different and we all perceive things in many different ways. I think it would interesting to see how different people get affected by their tech
Then find a list of 6-7 articles that respond to the issue–This might be a result of a few Google Searches with different terms of questions. You can also add 2 from the Resources in Week 3 Schedule). Pick the best 6-7 articles/videos and list them as a “working bibliography” on this topic. Cite references for each paragraph at the end of the paragraph in parentheses, using titles, authors, and URLs. (a list)
1.Team, Fisher-Titus Healthy Living. “The Effects of Technology on Mental Health.” Fisher,
2.“Technology Can Impact Mental Health.” Bradley University Online, 18 Sept. 2019,
3.“How a Technology Addiction Can Hurt Your Health.” Chris Kresser, 27 Aug. 2019,
4.“Technology Addiction – Teen & Young Adult.” Sandstone Care,
5.“Our Mission:” Internet Addiction,
6.“5 Types of Internet Addiction – Get Help Today – Addiction Center.” AddictionCenter,
Skim these articles and based on your skimming, pick the two most informative–those that expand your knowledge the most, not necessary those that you already agree with. Summarize each of these articles as you did above, each in a short paragraph. (2 paragraphs)
The first article that I found most informative was number 3 because it was interesting to see how easily you can get affected by technology and how it hurts your mental health. I can say personally fell victim to some of these symptoms because there were nights that I went didn’t get a lot of sleep because I was on my phone for most of the night. The article would go on and describe symptoms, but it also gave ways that we can try to reduce these problems like silencing our phone and deleting social media entirely so we all become more aware of what it going around us and live our lives.
The second article that I found informative was number 4 because this covered more stuff about what is going on the inside of your body compared to number 3 which described more of the stuff that happened on the outside. It talked about how we train our brains to more and more each day to release dopamine to the social media that we use and not the things that are happening around us. It also talks about symptoms of tech addiction like how we are less motivated to go enjoy the outdoors and rather look at a screen all day.
Now conclude by explaining how your knowledge of this topic has developed over this research experience. If you did your research correctly, there should be some change in your thinking–that’s what “re-search” means. So explain how your thinking changed–either by deepening, changing or making more complex your understanding of the issue. (1-2 paragraphs)
By reading these articles it really made more aware of how much I’m being taken advantage of online and reliant I am of technology in general. It feels like my understanding of tech addiction has increased because now I want to try to lessen my use of the tech I use and try to go outside and enjoy nature more. if I can try to limit my use of internet and social media I can train my brain to not open my phone every 10 seconds because I think that I got a message. I’m glad that I was able to this research because it has given me a new perspective of how we need to be more aware of the tech we use on a day to day basis.
Given your new understanding, suggest how you might adapt or redesign a social media platform you currently use, or create a new one, so that other youth are likely to have a healthier experience. You may need to go beyond your own experience of “it’s just fine for me” to “if other teens are depressed, maybe this could help them”. Remember that having gown up within social media, it may be hard to even assess its influence on you, or to imagine there might be an even better experience than the one you are used to. (1-2 paragraphs)
I would create a new social media platform that is somewhat similar to the ones we use today, but I woulda big feature when people are using it. I would design it so you have only a set time to go and check your feed, chat with friends, post status updates, etc and after that set time it will lock you out of the app for the rest of the day so you are more inclined to put your phone down and doing something else than wasting time on social media. In my opinion, some people spend way to much time on social media when in reality you can just go on the app do what you want to do and be done in an hour tops.
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