Journal 3 Thanisorn

September 20, 2019

Journal 3 Thanisorn


Summarize at least 4 class resources, whether video or article, in a short paragraph. Cite references for each paragraph at the end of the paragraph in parentheses, using URLs where possible. (4 paragraphs)

1.”Is the internet changing the way that we think?”

This video talked about how the internet started to take over our thinking by us who are using more internets. It also told us how Dopamine chemical releases in our brain which give us pleasure as a reward for us. He discussed how unaware of us getting happy and satisfied with the internet could gradually ruin our thinking. (

2. Facebook, Cambridge Analytica… and Hippocrates

In this article, it tells us about how people using the internet and technology to improve their livings. However, things become more complex and we are all forgetting how the real world is from a virtual world that we are facing. C4urselves are trying to help virtual communities that we should do no harm in the virtual societies and also, do good things like taking time off and observe the real world that we are living in.(

3. Ledger of Harms

In this website, it provides information of how the tech product or made applications should be aware of. The developers should also think about the effects of using the products. They are several important points such as Attention, Mental Health, Relationships, Democracy, Children, Do Unto Others.(

4. The people behind your tech addiction are now trying to curb it.

In this article, it tells us how people consume tremendously internet and tech applications each and every day. It becomes one of addiction that one has to go on the internet every 2-3 minutes or take their phones out to check off something (distraction). However, the designer that worked in the industry are now understanding the result and trying to help people a way to get away from this. (

Then define and write a specific question you have or issue you want to research about the link between social media and mental health of young adults. Explain why this question or issue interests you. (a few sentences, to a paragraph)

I definitely like playing games like a hardcore 10 hours+ per day sometimes. I just wanted to research how consuming or playing too many games could affect my thinking or my behaviors or not. Maybe the types of different games could affect players differently.

Then find a list of 6-7 articles that respond to the issue–This might be a result of a few Google Searches with different terms of questions. You can also add 2 from the Resources in Week 3 Schedule). Pick the best 6-7 articles/videos and list them as a “working bibliography” on this topic.  Cite references for each paragraph at the end of the paragraph in parentheses, using titles, authors, and URLs. (a list)

1.How video games affect the brain
2.Playing Video Games Can Actually Change the Brain

April 22nd, 2019
3. Video Games May Affect The Brain Differently, Depending On What You Play

4. What impact do different types of computer games have on your brain?

5.Your child’s brain on technology: video games

Our kids are awash in technology 24/7 — should we worry about the effects on their developing brains?


Playing shooter video games damages the brain, study suggests

Henry Bodkin

Skim these articles and based on your skimming, pick the two most informative–those that expand your knowledge the most, not necessarily those that you already agree with. Summarize each of these articles as you did above, each in a short paragraph. (2 paragraphs)

After reading all these articles, there is one that interesting on how different types of games can boost my brain differently. The author explains that there could be three types of games like Brainteaser games, Role-playing games(RPGs), and Real-time Strategy (RTS). The brainteaser games could help us slow down the brain’s aging process, as they use problems solving and puzzle. Role-playing games help players to develop skills in empathy and ethics. It makes players decide on the proper consequences. The real-time strat game is helping players to increase the ability to multi-task and cooperate with teammates. Hence, improving better communication skills.

However, games too much is too bad. They are also a downside that would happen to us as our “eyes” as we contact by watching a lot on a screen. It also the studies of how action game can create a violent behavior to players.


Now conclude by explaining how your knowledge of this topic has developed over this research experience. If you did your research correctly, there should be some change in your thinking–that’s what “research” means.  So explain how your thinking changed–either by deepening, changing or making more complex your understanding of the issue. (1-2 paragraphs)

I would say that consuming internet or tech products can be good and bad at the same time. It is important how users control their usage over time. Like the research that I had looked up. Gaming can actually bring a positive boost to our brain. However, downside effects can occur to the users anytime if they are over-consuming. I just liked what I studied in class when my teacher explain how sugar products are bad for us. We are consuming things without knowing or aware of the products. Tech products, internets, gaming, or online sources are just like two-sided coins that we have to be careful of using them. “Learn to use them, not let them use us.”  It is important for every generation to understand it. I still believe that the internet can also help us from depression but also can make us even more depressed. It is just how we understand and aware of consuming it.

Given your new understanding, suggest how you might adapt or redesign a social media platform you currently use or create a new one so that other youths are likely to have a healthier experience.  You may need to go beyond your own experience of “it’s just fine for me” to “if other teens are depressed, maybe this could help them”.  Remember that having gown up within social media, it may be hard to even assess its influence on you, or to imagine there might be an even better experience than the one you are used to.  (1-2 paragraphs)

“Profitable” is the main reason that people started to create a social media platform to let consumers like us using it and find pleasure for a time being. However, it would be nice if each of the developers would have time to understand the positive and negative effects of their products. It is difficult to do so as sometimes it is time-consuming. At the starting point, we did not realize how the products could do anything to us until we keep doing it until the result come out a little to too much. I would suggest that every application or tech stuff have a time limit schedule that allows the user to consume the products only in that period of time that would benefit the users. For example, if I started to browse the internet more than 1-2 hours. The warning could make or even shut down the engine and let the users take a break. Till the timing is done then the users can come back and use again. It sounds like a forcing idea however, I feel like we all need to limit ourselves. Not everyone can control their usages however, we all can figure out how much time is enough for the usages and limit them. It could be an application to reduce using the internets. Like smoking a cigarette later on we invented a gum that helps reduce smoking.