The Arguments of AI:

While in my studies of new media, the major idea that I keep hearing about is none other than A.I. A.I. Will be one of the worlds most powerful tools the moment it is actually created. Typically with A.I. there is a lot of stigmatized fear around it because of movies like 2001: Space Odyssey,  Terminator and others like it. A.I., however can be extremely powerful as medical advances could skyrocket, personal security and national security will increase, and many other things to follow.

With this stigma surrounding A.I. it is hard to ignore that it could be engineered to not contain the values and goals of humans and could negatively impact our every day lives and our culture. I’m concerned on how we can install emotion into A.I. and make it true artificial intelligence, with out making it feel hatred. My other concern is how to make it so not only the public can enjoy it, but the public can feel like it actually would benefit society rather than hinder it.

Upon doing some research A.I. is already having some developments in reading the human face to detect emotion and interpret what it need to do to fix it(MIT). For A.I. this is a huge step in the learning curve of emotion for machines. While I feel like machines could gain the ability to also feel emotion, it’ll be interesting which kind of blocks we could give machines. For example, we feel pain when we fall or get hurt, chances are if we are talking about robots, they wont know what the pain is, they’ll just lose the limbs or sensors. It will be interesting if we can avoid emotional development in the A.I. just to protect the A.I. from developing hatred and spawning the ‘end of the world’.

The other concern I have with A.I. is privacy. While I currently have no issue with it, there are a few situations where A.I. could be extremely helpful. Surveillance is actually a technology that could hugely benefit from an A.I.’s learning stand point. While A.I. surveillance nearly already exists(Carnegie) it should still be noted it could do much more than watch over civilians. The A.I. could be developed to contact police stations and actually provide help for those in need, based off of watching and seeing certain scenarios happen over and over again.




