One to Many

Genetic fortune telling

Genetic fortune-telling is an advancement in which we would be able to know much more about our genetics and children even before they are born. It is able to determine such factors like 10% of what someone’s IQ may be to determining if you are at risk in the future of getting cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. I believe this to be a one to many strategy because if someone was to get genetic fortune testing they could decide themselves to share their information. If they were to share the information it could help scientists test and find cures for diseases like AIDS, by testing drugs and cures on people who are more susceptible to have a complication. This can help to have a better determination of if the drug would work, this could then be distributed to others and help to find a cure or something that could help a majority of people. 

Many to Many

Collaborative Telepresence 

Collaborative Telepresence is pretty much using VR in a new way, with Collaborative Telepresence it also takes into consideration touch. For example, if this was used in a work setting employers could be having a meeting with a client that is in a completely different country than them. They would be able to physically see their clients and give them a handshake while feeling the sensation of touch. I believe this to be a many to many strategy because this medium is supporting innovating networking, both sides have control and feel while using the device. It is also connecting people together who otherwise may not be able to meet in an easier circumstance.

Aggregate, Automate, and Visualize Data

Machine learning and advanced AI

Machine learning and advanced AI, scientist have collected data from devices using AI and algorithms. With this information, they are using to create an advanced AI that can learn how to advance and use information and data to be used within robots and other technologies. I believe this is an aggregate, automate, and visualize data strategy because there has been data that was compiled and are being used to create new advanced systems.