Upstage the Man:

Last Week Tonight

The HBO Show, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is known for his constant use of this strategy. He’s done so many different publicity stunts, from deliberately breaking World Records’ set by malicious dictators, a Broadway musical number telling a coal tycoon that sued him with a SLAPP suit, and an audio book about Mike Pence’s rabbit, Marlon Bundo, portraying him as a gay character. These stunts are the very definition of Upstaging the Man, they use the premise of what they’re trying to fight against the organization or person their trying to fight, while also using humor the whole time.


Crowd Source the Job:


I wouldn’t necessarily define this as crowd sourcing necessarily, as it’s probably closer to a social experiment, but it is a “community or the general public to contribute to a problem that would normally be resolved by experts.” Back in 2017, as part of their annual April Fool’s Day tradition, Reddit released an experiment where you were allowed to add a single pixel of a color of your choice once every twenty minutes to a large canvas, open to all of the internet. While the experiment was initially just people trying to draw small shapes by returning to the site every twenty minutes, it wasn’t long before individual online communities started co-opting sections of the canvas with art that represented them. Even farther into the experiment, individual communities became dedicated to claiming chunks of the canvas, like theVoid, who spent their time dedicated with covering the entire canvas with black. The project quickly became a fight for screen real-estate, evolving into a near “Game of Thrones” cult following. The event was ended only 3 days after it’s conception, on April 3rd, 2017.

Share What Was Inaccessible:

Linux and Open Source Software

Linux is an operating system built for those who want to have a much more custom UI experience. While I’m not particularly familiar with the interface myself, it is the best open source operating system available today. Unlike Mac OSX or Windows, Linux is much more flexible and adaptable due to it being accessible to anyone. Linux as a whole is the very definition of what a “Share What Was Inaccessible” many-to-many strategy.