The March For Our Lives started in March of 2018, following the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on Feb. 14th, 2018. It was the students that survived this shooting that started the movement which eventually turned into a March on Washington to protest against gun violence. These high school kids knew that nothing was going to change after this shooting so they took it into their own hands and started on social media to get the word out that this was happening. During the march, many wore price tags with the price $1.05, representing the price of each student’s life in Florida, based on the millions of dollars politicians have accepted from the NRA. This march was so successful that it took place again in 2019, in not only DC but around the country.
Every year leading up to the Super bowl, Doritos does an ad competition. All you have to do is make a commercial for Doritos that you think is Super bowl Commercial worthy and if yours get picked you win $1 Million. This was a way for Doritos to get extremely high quality commercials for the Super Bowl but not have to put any work into it. They ended the competition in 2016.
A very popular tv show called Saturday Nigh Live (SNL) is all about comedic sketches and satirical news. It has been on the air for four decades but more recently, with our current political climate, there has been much more satirization within the show. A very popular bit on the show that they do is anything about Trump. Alex Baldwin has been playing the role of Trump since September 2016. With the current Impeachment trails that are happening, SNL has created a sketch called Days of Our Impeachment Cold Open. The creates example it as “The Trump impeachment hearings get the soap opera treatment they need to keep the American people paying attention.”
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