In order to support Nuria, the elderly women who was so depressed that she was willing to take her own life, the community of Kotti banded together to help her get back on her feet so to speak. The main concern of Nuria was that she was no longer able to pay her rent in an area that she loved to live in. Moreover, the fact that Nuria originally came as an outsider to the community as Muslim refugee and is still accepted and wanted by the German people living in Kotti is a testament to the community that they have built there. Furthermore, this is similar to the case of the middle-aged mentally ill man who also supported the protests. After it was discovered that he had spent time in a mental institution before joining the protests, he was sent to a psychiatric ward until the people of Kotti demanded his release. Finally, after months of protests in Kotti, the people won out and a rent freeze was put into effect for Nuria’s community.
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