List of changes I’d be interested in making to increase my brain skills:
- Read more print books ~ ex. long term patience/focus
- Free writing more ~ ex. creative output (vs consumption)
- Researching topics I’m interesting in ~ ex. critical thinking
- Journaling ~ ex. deeper, conceptual thinking
- Get more fresh air, change surroundings ~ ex. long term patience/focus
- Let myself be inspired/ do what inspires me ~ ex. creative output (vs consumption)
Inspiration: My two younger sisters 10 and 13.
Technology: iPhone
Title ideas:
- The deadly iPhone
- Benefits of the device that runs your life
- your own personal mind control device
- what would you do for an iPhone?
- tech user is advised
-This 13 year old does not understand this information as well as you do. Explain it in a way that will make them understand versus getting bored or frustrated and giving up
-Find quotes that will make sense to the demographic.
-Use content that they will find appealing/interesting such as aesthetic and overall vibe of the video.
*disclaimer: I was in quarantine during this lab so this was done on my own at home vs in lab with a group*
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