Tag: Journal 4

Journal 4- OliviaBurton

Journal 4- OliviaBurton

I would like to acknowledge and attempt to tackle the problem of mental health and how technology can sometimes be the culprit of many dilemmas with mentality. I would create a an app that would help lead an individual through personal struggles with an AI More

Journal 4 – Evan G

Journal 4 – Evan G

Polarization Graphic

Journal 4 : Eliminating the Middleman : vanDuijn

Journal 4 : Eliminating the Middleman : vanDuijn

Eliminating the middleman: Using social media to create direct markets  Social media is fueled by the internet giants, facebook, google, ect. These large corporations make their money through advertising products from around the world. Many of these products are low quality ‘eye candy’ this essentially More

Journal 4 – Andreas Sandoval

Journal 4 – Andreas Sandoval

What I was thinking of was like a gaming rewards system. It would be something like the more games you play either by yourself or with friends you can earn points towards things you can do outside of video games like saving up for a More

Video Game and Media Preservation

Video Game and Media Preservation

Video Games have been a common place media in the modern house hold for a generation. Ever since the take off of the Atari 2600 in 1977 the medium has grown and evolved at an astounding rate over the past four decades. But all this More

Journal 4 NateR

Journal 4 NateR

There are lots of people out there that struggle with mental health.  And it is only getting worse.  My friend (Marshall U Grad) and I, are working on a community where gamers who have issues with anxiety and their mental health can come together and More

Journal 4 PerryJ

Journal 4 PerryJ

I did my project around a made up promotional event put on by the university. It would be highly beneficial to everyone involved. The idea is that UMaine would offer a semester of paid textbooks to the person who takes the most liked photo of More

Journal 4- Tyler D’Ambrosio

Journal 4- Tyler D’Ambrosio

For Journal 4, I focused on the issue of designers that do their job too well and create an interface that is too encompassing. Here’s my video on the subject.   https://spark.adobe.com/video/379jDeRRKA0L4

Journal 4

Journal 4

  For my journal 4 projects tackling a problem, I decided to design a dress. I bet you are asking how can a dress solve a problem? Well, this dress is made from a reflective material that when photographed blackes everything out but the material. More

Maeve-Journal 4

Maeve-Journal 4

When we focus on all the harm that the internet brings, we often forget the countless tools that it can also supply us with. When I think of the way the internet helps me, I immediately think about how it helps me stay connected with More

Journal 4 – David Lavoie

Journal 4 – David Lavoie

Fish would not load for me on my MacBook, and I do not have an iPhone. But if I were to create something do design technology for love I’d incorperate the following list. -First you would have to make an algorithm or filter out unethical More

Journal4 Colleen Gallagher

Journal4 Colleen Gallagher

https://spark.adobe.com/video/TH7bCSFfYBDHv here is my journal 4 discussing the internet going from distancing to connecting people.

Journal 4 – Claire Hubby

Journal 4 – Claire Hubby

Is Social Media Making Us Less Social? https://spark.adobe.com/video/wRZfSoOmGAm6L

Journal 4 Thanisorn

Journal 4 Thanisorn

Time spent on social media? https://spark.adobe.com/video/rPzgBvePecQgt

Journal 4 – John Baker

Journal 4 – John Baker

Journal 4 – John Baker For our assignment, we wanted to create an interesting way to communicate our idea. Me and Brett created a fake podcast where we talked about an interesting subject we found. We talked about “Parasocial Relationships”.  We wanted to discuss the More

Journal 4 – Michael Gecawicz

Journal 4 – Michael Gecawicz

Hello! Attached below is my brief video on the presence of fake news. https://spark.adobe.com/video/p611hIjunzJOU  



Here is my video that I made for journal 4! It is to raise awareness to animal/pet content on the internet and how wonderful it can be. (: https://spark.adobe.com/video/HJfmw5zvFJy9V   Here is my solution to making this type of positive content more available! I propose More