Project 2 – Brock Radford I attempt to paint a picture of how our privacy – or the lack of it – exists today, and how it has come to be in its current state.
NMD 200 I attempt to paint a picture of how our privacy – or the lack of it – exists today, and how it has come to be in its current state.
My web portal explores the relationship between parents and children in an age where the use of technology dominates our time, and often pulls us away from each other.
For project two I chose the first prompt. “How surveillance tech spies on my family via the devices we use in ways I was not aware of” is the prompt. I essentially explained and listed various technologies that can spy on families.
Although this isn’t done, I did do work on it. Here’s the link to what I have made thus far.<a class=”asp-embed-link” href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”This Was Inevitable.” style=”width:100%” border=”0″ /></a>
For my project I decided to look at how AI is used to spy on us. I mainly focused on who our devices are used to listen to us since I own several Siri enabled devices and an Alexa. My project focuses on the current and future state of privacy in the digital age. I outline how companies like Facebook and Amazon, as well as the U.S government, covertly collect vast amounts of data on people and how they use that data. Sources: Eight Ways Big Data Affects Your Personal Life | Michigan Tech ( 3 Ways Big Data Will Influence the Future of People Analytics | Process Street | Checklist, Workflow and SOP Software How does Big Data influence my personal life? More EMBED CODE;<a class=”asp-embed-link” href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Is your tech spying on you?” style=”width:100%” border=”0″ /></a> Within my project I first focused on how incredible tech in todays world is focusing directly on smartphones, social media and video services such as zoom. I then proceed within the second half to express the downsides to each one of More In my project I touch on the negative and positive effects that technology/social media have on family relationships and some things you can do to manage technology use.
Throughout this past week learning about surveillance, I was shocked to find out how many devices in my apartment and family home, we’re collecting our data. I had known about Alexa, but some of the more lifeless devices really took me by surprise. Because of More Project 2
This project addresses question 1, “How surveillance tech spies on my family via the devices we use in ways I was not aware of” and seeks to inform the audience about how big tech collects their data and how it is used. More
Presentation on some ways our technology can monitor what we are doing without our knowledge. Sources: Most Americans Think Big Tech Is Spying On Them | WhistleOut Amazon Alexa Keeps Voice Recordings: How to Access Them ( Scary Ways Technology Is Tracking You ( More
This webpage is about the devices in our homes that spy on us. The text and vector illustrations are mine, the realistic photos are credited at the end of the page.