This meme shows a plus size model opening up about her eating disorder, followed by a meme of a character from Futurama squinting. Typically people associate eating disorders with abnormally skinny people, and that is what this meme is teasing at. Anybody can develop an eating disorder, no matter their size or gender. There is also a wide range of different eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and body dysmorphia. You never know who is struggling with mental health problems and who is struggling with their body image.

The meme I created shows a person that is fighting their body dysmorphia. They are accepting that the way their body looks is beautiful the way it is. Although this is easier said than done, it shows that it is possible to beat body dysmorphia; whether you do this by going to therapy or getting medical treatment. I feel as though this meme has the same viral quality because people can relate to the feeling of self hatred and body image issues. In today’s society there are beauty standards that are unachievable and unrealistic, these standards are perpetuated by social media.