Task 10 – Lee Rossignoli

November 7, 2022

Task 10 – Lee Rossignoli


This meme went viral around 2015 or 2016 targeting the alternative subculture specifically emo and goth teenagers on the stereotype of these teens self harming by cutting. I was personally affected by this meme along with my friends at the time since some of us, myself included, self harmed in this manner. This meme was a gateway for kids, who were making fun of the emo and goth subcultures already, to start bullying us into suicide. This bullying made me want to self harm more so it exceedingly got worse and more frequent for me and other self harmers. I also saw cases where alt and emo teens started to cut because of this meme. 

I made this meme based on my experience of dealing with the original harmful one. When it came out, not only was that phrase used, but other phrase like “your skin is not paper don’t cut yourself” was said to me both in a mocking way and in hopes to stop me self harming. Many other self harmers have heard this phrase as well. Even when it was used in a “helping” way it was demeaning, and reduced a very serious mental health problem to something that a person can just stop furthermore reiterating that it’s just for attention. I think this meme would be pretty successful because people who have self harmed have had other people tell them this or something like this to stop and we can all laugh at these stupid sayings together.