For my negative meme I selected this classic two image scenario where it shows a man struggling through his battle with depression, with his emotions displaying his feelings. But the second part contradicts how he actually feels about his depression when publicly talking about it to others. This can be very negative as someone who hides the true weight of their emotions and problems hurts them even more. It can be looked at as a masking defense tactic as most people with depression feel like no one will care about their problems, so acting positive without indicating there’s a problem is a negative way to deal with it. You should be able to showcase your emotions confidently and honestly to people who truly care about you and your mental health



This positive meme shows the power of perspective and always knowing if you try your best and do all you can then there is nothing else you have to prove. Having anxiety cripples one from completing a task or attempting new things. End of the day we have to get out of our way and jump into new thresholds while being confident in ourselves. What we worry about and what we think people care about us is always going to be blown out of proportion, our minds tend to repeat things over and over. Relax, once you realize people are dealing with their own problems, anxiety and insecurities, you’ll feel a lot easier on yourself and helps you better understand and love yourself.