After looking back in my personal life and wondering what kinds of harmful ways the media or digital tech has affected my life negatively, I have come to the realization that it has affected my posture really when I am sitting rather then standing since when I am using any digital tech it is usually when I am sitting rather than standing. There is also something happening to a lot of people and they do not even realize it. But, if you look at your pinky fingers you might have an indent on them like I do and it is from having your phones leaning or balancing on your pinky fingers for a long period of time or just happens after a long occurrence of time. For which human vulnerability it attacks/preys on is the physical attributes of the human body for both the two ways I have mentioned.  


For ways to protect yourself against the physical vulnerability that comes with bad posture I would suggest that if you are sitting down using some sort of digital device that you take breaks and walk around to soothe any parts of your body that may be aching after sitting and getting different strains in your neck and back. 


A lot of jobs expect people to do their work online on a computer and sit at a desk for more than at least six hours a day, and that is a problem with people who get back and neck strains and it could cause other problems in their bodies if they don’t do anything to help with the problem. A solution to solve this is having companies provide desks that you can change the height of the desks so workers can stand while still being able to work. 


I think trying to help this problem would be beneficial in the long run because it is easier to fix the physical problems in your body while you are younger than waiting and having the problem get worse when you are older. Also, to practice healthy habits to keep your body healthy and the fittest it can be.