Task 2- Amelia Mattrick

September 12, 2021

Task 2- Amelia Mattrick


I think a common problem thats becoming more prominent in the younger generations is how technology is affecting the development of our social skills. I can say that growing up with the amount of accessible technology that I did definitely attributes to my social anxiety and especially since Covid-19 hit when we’re all experiencing less face to face interaction. We’ve learned how to live life through technology the past year, which is proven to cause difficulty socailizing and low self esteem which makes you want to rely on these technologies even more. At this point you can see how addictive it is and technology is designed to be this way. 

The way to protect humans from these negative effects of technology is to regulate the amount of screen time we use. On top of that, increasing the amount of face to face interaction you have. Also, an app that could be created to help protect human vulnerability through technology is something that limits the amount of screen time you can have a day or the amount of use of each individual app. So lets say instagram, tik tok or any other app that you can easily get sucked into and waste time on, you could put a time limit like an hour a day. This way you can try to limit the amount of time you spend using certain harmful technologies.  

With technologies addictive nature, these “solutions” are much easier said than done. You have to actively try to use social media less and recognize how harmful it can be if abused. A lot of people, myself included know and recognize that they’re addicted in some way to technology but it seems harmless at the time which is why its so hard to regulate.


Articles used- http://www.digitalresponsibility.org/health-and-technology
