Task 2- Emily Clarke

September 13, 2021

Task 2- Emily Clarke




In todays world technology is everywhere. While there are upsides to having teach around there is also negatives that follow it. Tach has a way of grabbing people attention whether it be video streaming, gaming, social media or a number of other things I think we can all agree that we’ve found ourselves getting wrapped up in it at some point. Having this available to us at all time can often lead to separating ourselves from the world around us. When we remove ourselves we are disengaging with the people around us. This disconnect can be extremely isolating.

When we separate ourselves from those around us we lose the personal connection that we create in everyday conversation. Even when talking through the phone it isn’t the same as seeing someones emotions when talking face to face. Without these interactions people begin to feel very alone. I believe that social media is the biggest contributor to this issue as we stay up to date with peoples post and don’t feel the need to actually ask people about their lives. As I’ve grown up Ive seen the increase in social media use and have witnessed and experienced the change in how people interact now.

I don’t see social media dying out anytime soon so I think the only way to make any change in that department would be by making people more informed on the effects it had on their lives and spread awareness of all the negative repercussions it has.