Technology is very beneficial for today’s day and age. Without technology, people may not have discovered the breakthroughs in medicine or the discoveries found about our universe. However, I have found that technology can be dangerous to the average viewer. I have found that I have spent several hours sitting in my dorm or with friends and not interacting with anyone. Our inactive life is due to the technology we all have in our pockets. We are not living our lives to the fullest. I recall a moment in my life spending time with my family when everyone was using a device. It struck me that everyone in my family is addicted to their phones. Everyone in my family was looking for that next hit of dopamine. There is one design issue we talked about in a previous class that explores some social media apps and how it is deliberately hooking us to keep clicking back to them. Instagram, for example, creates tailored ads that keep bringing you back to the app. Posting photos and likes also bring people back to the app. When people get a like on their posts, they feel good about the like, which keeps them posting. There are ways to fix this dilemma, however. Taking away the like button can make people stay away from their devices. Social media can be a visual art gallery rather than a means of receiving dopamine.
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