- Innovative design—Describe your new design, app, service, product, etc.
My design will be a hiking safety app as well as a hiking social app. This app will allow you to track your own hikes and share them along with photos if you wish. If you also want to just inform a few friends on the app of your hike it will give them your location and the hiking route you plan on taking. Within the app, you will also be able to map out your hike and learn more information about the specific hike you will be attempting. This app will also have an emergency button that you can connect to your apple watch. This can help track your heart rate and vitals and the app with sending you a signal letting you know you are reaching the maximum bpm that you should have at this point in the hike. Also, if you are training for a big hike the app will suggest good spots to prepare for your big hike.
- Upgraded criteria—state your criteria and why you picked them. Why is it important to you & your community?
My criteria are Decision Making, the ability to gain agency, purpose, and mobilization of intent. This app will give hikers the power to feel like they can be safe while hiking, and in control of their trip. This is important for me because I want the ability to feel safe going on a hike by myself. And this also allows other people within the hiking community to feel safe. It can also connect hikers together.
- Supportive context—describe the context or world/community that will support this
This would support the hiking community as a whole. A majority of hikers want to feel safe when they go out especially if they are alone. While there is a large hiking community it can be hard to find people in your area who hike, this can support those who want to find their hiking community.
- Weigh Costs—Evaluate expected costs—materials. labor, etc–this is not a number or monetary figure, but rather a description of the expected costs to the environment, people, etc.
The main setup of the app to create it will cost a bit as well as the research that will need to go into creating an accurate map of trails and the health aspect of knowing how someone’s bpm should be based on their own personal information. There will be a lot of people involved in the creation of this app, this includes coders, health care specialists, hikers/trail appraisers, and an advertising team and that is just scratching the surface of how a successful app like this can be created.
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