A bold new service that could bring a positive benefit to humans, community, and the ecosystem is a digital voice that is synced into your daily life. For example, this would be a digital program that allows you connect to your own personal data and physical-world data that is seen through a digital eye-contact. This eye contact has a digital sequence that connects to your present surroundings and have suggestive information in a current environment. The attention brought upon another physical and visual voice in an individual’s life can dramatically make a positive difference and factual information about your day. This allowing ourselves to align our actions with the intention of making an educational impact around ourselves with personalized suggestions of our own preferences. This app being called “Personalized” that automatically connects to your own digital device or set up through yourself .

With an app like “Personalized” it can come with the emotional security that grows more into question with a person’s safety in unknown locations. For example, the design of app can enhance the emotion of calm, balance, safety of a secured app protecting you with sensing movement or noise rhythms. Some similar apps that have such features is “Life 360” that can share your current location with group members in a customized chat. Life 360 also includes tools to warn other members in the chat to be notified if lost or to call other medical assistance for help.

The social and economic context of “Personalized” can help socially develop and welcome technology in real-time with realistic benefits.. While, the economic impact from other industry companies such as a footwear brand wanting to give suggestive imputes of their own product from the program. These relating into how in-person shopping was rapidly moved over to online shopping of products be advertised to new communities.

With this design when applied should improve the whole community and offered to people in working . The cost range should start around 3,000 thousand a year for high end consumers. The price of this program will adjust every few months as the profit is changed and working with low energy resources for the environment .