Task 9 – David Jakacky

October 27, 2021

Task 9 – David Jakacky


I don’t really believe there is much of a fix for good news being buried and lost amongst all all the scandals and bad news, at least on a global scale. Bad news simply travels a lot faster than good news, its inherently more enticing and eye-catching. It often produces stronger emotions than good news does. I think it is up to the individual to surround themselves with good news and block out then unnecessary or bad news. There are sources out there that provide good news that is non-biased and factual and I think if that is what people want, people can certainly find that.

Hurtful/Destructive Meme

I remember back in high school and when I was a gamer, memes that followed this basis were quite popular. Basically, the two heavy hitting consoles that people used the most were divided into certain “gangs” where they would constantly poke fun at and undermine the other console users for using that console. This meme in particular is destructive because not only is it trying to make fun of Xbox users but it is also hinting towards homosexuality being bad or something to laugh at.

Alternative Meme

My idea with trying to make the prior meme better was to normalize homosexuality and not to poke fun at anybody or any group of people. By putting myself and my friends as the target, no one should be hurt or feel offended by the meme and I think it can even be seen as wholesome, supporting intimacy amongst men. I don’t think this would be as viral as the previous meme because I don’t think people would relate to it as much. I think the previous meme was so popular because there was already a huge feud between Xbox and PS4 users anyway so just about the entirety of the PS4 community would support such memes. I still think the updated version I created could still be somewhat popular though because it is very out there and raw.


Again, I’m not certain what could be done about the digital ecosystem in order for good news or uplifting content to travel faster and more than bad news. As I said before, people are just inherently attracted more towards bad news, it usually produces more emotion and thought than good news would. I think that big communication organizations could dedicate certain sections of their websites just on good, wholesome, happy news so resources like that are more readily available and accessible. With most people going to either places like fox or CNN for their news, it would be a lot more accessible for people trying to find good news if they were to dedicate a section to it because they already have such a huge fan-base. People wouldn’t have to do searching or digging to find certain sites or outlets to focus on just good news. News outlets could also dedicate maybe an hours worth of airtime to just displaying the good that is happening in the world for the week as well.