Did you ever find yourself mindlessly scrolling through your instagram, Tik Tok or Facebook? Pretty weird feeling, huh? When you finally realise what you are doing and snap back to the reality, you probably ask yourself – “How and why did I get there? I just wanted to know if X do Y or Z?”  Every app on your phone is trying to get your attention by having all of these push notifications. Being distracted is such an easy thing in these days, but hard thing to resist.

One of my solutions to stop being so distracted it’s using hard force – leaving your phone in other room, or just putting in the spot where you can’t see and hear it. But that can be very hard one to do. So another solution could be that apps will start to make it harder to continue in mindless scrolling. That they will try to engage the user more. Like when you are on YouTube and the video you watched just ended and then you have the option -“Do you watch next video?”. If you say no, then there will appear this grid of other video that yt is suggesting you. On the other, for example, on the instagram you have this never ending chain of videos showing on your feed and it is just hard to get out of it.

This is important because not being distracted would make everyone’s lives way easier, probably more effective and maybe we would have way more interaction with others.


Resource/ideas: http://www.digitalresponsibility.org/health-and-technology
