Donald Trump on Social Media

-Really interesting to go through and look at the history of Trump tweets and how much he relied on Twitter to access the public and communicate his thoughts and methods. 

-Showed how he would use far right ideologies and insults to get more attention and gain more traction for his election. 

-Crazy how he is able to craft any message and target a specific type of audience to appeal to them. 


Quote about his insults:

“In January 2016, a review by The New York Times found that one in every eight posts by Trump on Twitter “was a personal insult of some kind”.[41] As of January 2019, Trump had insulted 551 people (including private citizens), places, and things on Twitter, ranging from politicians to journalists and news outlets to entire countries.”


Reddit and The God Emperor of the Internet

-Reddit normally streamlines the subreddit and publicizes the posts, especially the controversial ones. 

-one of the supposed rules is no racism, but apparently it isn’t monitored very well because there seems to be evidence of racism. 


Silicon Execs Raising Their Kids Tech Free

-All people who work on addictive technologies created in Silicon Valley, they support their products enough to use it themselves, but now are not supportive of having their kids use social media and other technologies of the internet. Instead they’re having their kids 

-Been happening in Silicon Valley for a while because people see first hand what companies are doing to make their products addictive without concern of how it could affect the youth. 


Our Minds Can be Hacked

-Guy who invented the like button and guy who created refresh button don’t even use social media anymore because they witnessed the addictive nature of what they created first hand. 

-“Swiping/Touching phone 617 times a day.”, what else could be used with that time were spending just swiping or tapping. 

-Using social media lowers the IQ of your brain. 


Should We build a Publicly funded Social Media App?