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Task 9
- Quiz 9
- Practice CodePen HTML:
- table–small table with a header row, and at least 2 rows & 2 columns
- list–one with numbers and one with disc or square bullets (not circles)
- block–use a div to create a horizontal menu of at least 3 items
- Keep updating content & design.
- Add online URL for your site.
- Client Skills list & Sign up
- Liaison: Contact client–one person on your team should call, then email
- Liaison: Set up first meeting for team (and weekly meeting schedule, and first meeting with client.
- Designer: Research and pick some Kits & Themes that could work for client (eg small farm with store, or Festival etc)
- Coder: Research and find likely plug-ins you might use according to a “functions list”–eg Events–>Event Manager, Online Shop–>WooCommerce, etc.
Task 9 Posts
- Subject: Task 9-yourname
- Codepen image & URL (use “HTML/CSS comments” to distinguish each Codepen addition)
- Portfolio URL online!! (we will get hosting in class)
- Client– (share your info with your team so you ALL post ALL of this info)
- List Team names& roles (1-Liaison/Manager/Writer, 2-Designer/Media, 3-Coder)
- Liaison: post client scheduled meeting date/time: TH or Fri this week if possible.
- Designer: add screenshot and URL for top 3 themes or Kits (use your local site to find these, as you have Elementor Pro on there)
- Coder–list possible functions/plug-ins/widgets you might use