Assignment 7_JakeB

I have not been able to take the pictures for the story because my models were not available before the assignment was due. I’ll make an effort to describe the story below.

Rock Bottom:

The subject of the story is a small rock; one you would find walking down the street. The first image is a “portrait” of the rock on the ground to establish that the rock is the subject. The accompanying text says something like, “Hello there!”

The next image is of a hand picking up the rock. “where are we going?” the rock seems to ask.

Next is the back of the person as they wind up to throw the rock at another person in anger. “oh no!” exclaims the rock.

We then see the rock on the ground again where it landed. “I’m lonely.”

We see the rock again, in the same frame, but at night. “So lonely…”

Next, a similar image to the first, a hand picking up the rock. “Oh not again.”

instead of being thrown, we see the rock in the person’s hand as they walk. “… You’re not gonna throw me?”

We then go inside. The person is beginning to paint the rock. “That tickles!”

the rock has a cute little drawing on it now. “Do I look pretty?”

lastly, the rock sits on a window sill next to the person’s desk. “Thank you!”


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