The Travelling Man –
I travel a lot and I’ve noticed that people who do develop habits. There’s a solitude and a strange quality that I think comes with traveling when you do it often. Hotel rooms begin to all look the same, and you begin to transition into routines without thinking about it. Your mind wanders, and I’ve found that it becomes a process of getting by.
I see lots of businessmen traveling, but I experience traveling most with my teammates. I thought it might be interesting to try and capture the subtle nuances and habits of my roommate that I travel with. I would capture his routines and subtleties that he goes through while he travels. I’d capture the surrounding elements, sights, and try and express the feel of what my roommate experiences.
These are some preliminary photos I shot for the idea. They are not great photos, but they convey the idea.
The Priest –
This is the story I’m pretty certain I would like to do. Priesthood has always fascinated me in that first off, it’s obviously such a huge commitment for an individual. But, second, there is life for priests outside of priesthood. I grew up having this preconceived idea of uptight formality that went along with the priest because I was just naïve. I felt like all priests were these very strict individuals, and I just didn’t really see them as people with emotion. I didn’t truly believe this, but it was a large way of how I felt.
Over the past few years though, I’ve met a priest and become pretty close with him. I’ve now experienced not a priest, but a man who became a priest and is a very unique individual. The idea of priesthood is just as fascinating to me as it was before, but I just see it much differently now. I want to capture the story of the priest, but not as a priest, as an individual. I want to capture a story that makes the priest a human being, an individual, a dreamer, a feeler who has personal aspirations and passions.
I discussed a few ways to go about this story with Joline. First off, I would really like it if I could go throughout the story without using any text at all and completely visualize the story. Or, if there is going to be some text, I would want it to be maybe one line at the very end of the story. One way would of showing this story would be to show the priest in action of being a priest, and then begin to branch off showing his personal side. However, after discussing and thinking more, what I think I’d like to do is begin with a very personal and individual side, and at the very end reveal priesthood.
I have not taken any photos for this as I need to schedule a day with the priest that I can follow around and take photos. I will post photos when I can do this.