Task 1
Task 1- Autumn Chapman
I was in quarantine during this assignment so these photos were taken in a Hulu hoop sized space in my…
Task 1- Amelia Mattrick
Pictures taken at Piney Knoll Conservation Area.
Went on a walk through the woods
Task1 – Alyssa Demanche
Went to the light house at SMCC in Portland during a foggy evening.
bullmose – Mohammed Fazli
Task 1 – Abbi Downer
Here are my photos! I went near the water in Old Town.
These photos were taken at the University of Maine Rose Garden.
Project 1 – Brianna Neely
Pictures taken from back trails of campus
Here are my four photos for Project 1. I hope you like them.
Task 1 Seeing Anew
WHAT ELSE THERE IS TO SEE Use a DSLR caerma for this first assignment if possible. Set DSLR camera Image Quality…