Eliza’s Toolbox

Edward Weston (’86-’58): American Photography

Weston’s subjects were mostly organic and natural subjects ranging from vegetables, fruits, to mountains and landscapes to seashells and human bodies. Other subjects also included non-organic material such as built environments. However, with every subject matter there is a clear emphasis on light and organic textures and each of their individual substances.

Dorothea LangeĀ 

Lange, known as “an observer of people” focused largely on human suffering and capturing images that would evoke emotion and feelings. To achieve that, Lange’s photos emphasized on real emotion. She took photos of raw human actions, behavior and unfiltered visages. One of the best ways, I think, Lange was able to evoke such emotion from her audience while focusing on subjects relating to human hardship and the working community was to emphasize on the hard facial features on unfiltered human faces like wrinkles and stress lines. The visages of the people in her photos played a pivotal role in achieving Lange’s purpose to evoke emotion.

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