
My story idea is very loose, I would like to follow the theme “patterns in nature”. This was the theme for the Royal Society of Biology annual photography competition. Below are some of my favorite submissions from this year (@royalsocbio – instagram).









These photo’s individually don’t tell a story, but I’m hoping I can go out into nature, find these patterns in nature, and construct a story around them. I think this theme would work well with some superimposition of text and numbers. I first saw this method used by one of my favorite photographers, John Paul Caponigro. Below are some examples of that from his website/instagram (@johnpaulcaponigro) .

To play with this idea I’m using the first photo I posted for assignment 8 of my living room with a warped image of the Zambezi river delta ( – NASA). Below is the wrapped version.

What I’m hoping to do with this is really take the texture out of the water by increasing the contrast and shadows 100% with a gradual filter so the top is left similar to the image above. This photo will be superimposed with some opacity over my HDR image of my living room. This encompasses both the patterns in nature theme and a technique similar to the one used in JPC’s Land in Land series.

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