
“Quarantine Kittens”

This photo narrative would be focused on the kittens I got in April, while we were all in quarantine. All of the pictures have been taken right in my house! The narrative would follow my kittens as they grew from kitten to almost full-grown cats! This would cover events such as their first day home, playtime, relaxation time, and trips to the vet! There are so many directions I could take this photo narrative.

I think that almost anyone would enjoy this phot narrative, I mean, who doesn’t enjoy looking at pictures of cute kittens? Anyone who loves animals especially would enjoy this photo narrative, and I believe that many people fit into this category. This would be interesting because it shows the ups and downs of having a kitten, and could show someone interested in getting a new pet just how much work it is!

“A Day in the life of a Dancer”

This photo narrative would take place at my dance studio, a place where many young dancers I know spend their time taking class, working, and training for competitions. This story would revolve around the things that happen throughout a normal day at the dance studio. This would include the training, the equipment, and many other things that one would probably not think to see at a dance studio. I could deepen this story by choosing one dancer as my subject for the photo narrative and following their day as a dancer to give more personal insight into the life of someone training in dance.

I think that dancers or people who have danced before would definitely be interested in this photo narrative! It is also likely that anyone interested in the arts would find this narrative interesting. I think it would be interesting for anyone who has seen a dancer in any sort of professional performance, such as a backup dancer in a music video or live performance, to see how hard dancers train to be successful, even from a young age.

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