Stella C

I'm an artist with an Associate's degree in Digital Graphic Design and am currently going for a Bachelor's degree in New Media. I specialize in 2D design and portrait drawing.

Task 2: Stella Cashman

What childhood stories are people still afraid of as adults in your world? Summary There are many terrifying legends throughout Ardent Proper, but none are quite as harrowing as the drowning of Old Erith; theirs was an old, wealthy kingdom who worshiped an ancient, primordial leviathan named Agdolath. In order to honor her and avoid

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Task 1: Stella Cashman

Mass Effect’s story surrounding the Krogan and the Genophage was the one that moved me the most. The Krogan are a warrior race that had the Genophage, a chemical weapon/disease that renders the Krogans infertile, unleashed on them by the Salarian government. The Krogans have been suffering tremendously because of the Genophage and the Salarian

Task 1: Stella Cashman Read More »