Project 1 -MarionC
Star Swallower
Project 1 -MarionC Read More »
Marion Cyr Click to access Game-Design-Document-Damien.pdf Thank you for a great semester!
Game Design document Read More »
Star Swallower Welcome to Wysteria! The grand country filled with magic and power. Sitting in this dimension of calamity, you find yourself empty. Who are you? That’s a good question. Who am [[I->Aldous]]?Your name is [[Aldous->Character]] Wythas. You were born in a dead village, no longer available for anyone to access. What are you doing
“STAR SWALLOWER” Star Swallower Welcome to Wysteria! The grand country filled with magic and power. Sitting in this dimension of calamity, you find yourself empty. Who are you? That’s a good question. Who am [[I->Aldous]]?Your name is [[Aldous->Character]] Wythas. You were born in a dead village, no longer available for anyone to access. What are
Hobbies including swimming, lacrosse, painting, photography, and video games. She was born on an airforce base in Arizona before moving to South Carolina when she was two. When she came to ten years of age, she moved to Bangor. She has a Pitbull puppy named Pebbles who is nearly the height of herself. Her major