Review Game Design Document


In a dystopian world, a character that drives get-way cars containing a popular recreational hallucinogenic drug for the biggest crime lord of wants to become that crime lord.


In a dystopian world, a character that drives get-way cars containing a popular recreational hallucinogenic drug for the biggest crime lord of wants out.

Single Player?

The game will be a single player game.

Are you planning on DLC?

Yes, the DLC will include expansion packs for car upgrades and accessorizing, upgraded weaponry, and more accessories for character customization.

How many hours of gameplay do you anticipate?

The gameplay is anticipated at around 25-30 hours in order to complete the main narrative. Trajectories include side quests and side stories, especially when reality is questioned as a result of a drug-induced state.

What is your games victory conditions?

The main player must avoid getting captured or killed, must deliver the drug without being compromised; must get his enemies to abandon their strategy; must manage reality/delusion; and must explore unknown routes to outwit enemies.

Game Inspiration?

Death Stranding

“Death Stranding stars Sam (Norman Reedus), a reputed deliveryman on an expedition across the continental United Cities, following in the footsteps of UCA president-to-be Amelie (Emily O’Brien). He works for an organization named Bridges, headed by Die-Hardman (Tommie Earl Jenkins), which also employs several allies he encounters throughout his journey. These allies include Deadman (Guillermo Del Toro); Heartman (Nicolas Winding Refn), an AED-reliant man whose heart stops every 21 minutes; and Mama (Margaret Qualley), a young woman tethered to her beached infant daughter and confined to a Bridges compound.” ( )


“The game is set in the dystopian metropolis of Night City. It is set in the Free State of Northern California. Night City is located south of San Francisco around the area of Morro Bay, CA. Following an economic collapse sometime during the early 21st century, the United States is forced to rely on large corporations to survive. These corporations deal in a wide range of areas, such as weapons, robotics, cybernetics, pharmaceuticals, communications, and biotechnology; many of these companies operate above the law. The game follows the story of V — a hired gun on the rise in Night City, the most violent and dangerous metropolis of the corporate-ruled future. A robust character creator will allow players to choose V’s gender, visual appearance, as well as historical background — all of which may influence the shape of the game.”( )

Fast and Furious

James Cameroon’s “Avatar”

Album art from Chase Atlantic


Neon Colors

Seven Steps for Crafting a Compelling Story

1.         Weakness and Need: fears losing freedom, fears boredom, fears commitment.  Needs to   learn how to take responsibility for actions, needs to learn how to control behavior, needs to learn empathy.

2.         Desire: Adventure in life, challenging new experiences

3.         Opponent: Crime Lord

4.         Plan: Take-over or get out

5.         Battle:

            External – Crime Lord show down

            Internal: Faces self – Fear of growing up

6.         Self-revelation: Consequences are important; and his moral  code must extend beyond not wanting to hurt another.

7.         New Equilibrium: Sense of responsibility and a sense of new wisdom as a result of reflection and past experience.

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