Task 1

Task 1 – Nate R

In the TV show “The Sopranos”, the main character Tony Soprano is one of the most well known characters in television history. What makes him stand out among all the other characters is his power. He has managed to become the head of the mafia and isn’t afraid to let people know. As a viewer […]

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Colin_weed task 1

The movie I’ve decided to write about is called “The Devil all the time”. The initial release of this movie was on September 11th 2020 and was directed by Antonio Campos. But this movie’s origin is from the book “The Devil all the time”, the authors name is the American writer Donald ray Pollock and

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Task 1: Stella Cashman

Mass Effect’s story surrounding the Krogan and the Genophage was the one that moved me the most. The Krogan are a warrior race that had the Genophage, a chemical weapon/disease that renders the Krogans infertile, unleashed on them by the Salarian government. The Krogans have been suffering tremendously because of the Genophage and the Salarian

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Task 1: Bobby H

Anders from the game Dragon Age 2 is a character I’ve changed my opinion on several times throughout my moral and political development in the six years since I first played Dragon Age 2, and the tragedy he brings to bear in the game’s narrative has constantly been a reference point in my mind for

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Task 1: Kacie Bond

Wirt and Greg from the television series, Over the Garden Wall changed how I interact with the world, as well as how I treat the people in it. The show is a 10 episode series, and was released in 2014. When I first watched it I feel in love with the story as well as

Task 1: Kacie Bond Read More »