Task 2

Colin_Weed task 2

“Write about an organization that is terrorizing a town in your world”. It is currently present day, you wake up to your alarm that was set for 8am. You slowly get out of bed and begin to get dressed. As you walk downstairs you see your mother has already prepared breakfast and has made you […]

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Task 2 Ingalls

Write a popular fairy tale told to children in your world. In this world, the major form of food, currency, and fuel is corn. Bushels of corn are grown to be used to power machines that produce more corn. It is the citizens desire to do nothing but farm the crop, produce, and ingest more

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Task 2 – Nate R

“I’m a young entrepreneur, what type of business would I start, and where would I set up?”   When looking at this prompt the first thing I think of is some college dropout who decided to work 24 hours a day on their business and ended up becoming very successful. Of course, this has happened

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Task 2 – Nhan C.

Write about a special item used to keep track of time. “[…] a pocket watch with its hand made from a magical dragon scale.” How it works: The dragon scale was extracted from the Prisoner of Time, one of the Great Guardians. When placed on a flat surface, the scale points towards the direction where the

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Task 2: Kacie Bond

“Describe the myth surrounding a creature in your world.“ — Dimitris Rimes Rimes are described as human-like creatures who are unbothered by the lowest of temperatures. They are reported to appear frostburned on their hands, arms, legs and feet, while the rest of their body is covered in a thin, shimmering layer of ice. They can

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Task 2: Stella Cashman

What childhood stories are people still afraid of as adults in your world? Summary There are many terrifying legends throughout Ardent Proper, but none are quite as harrowing as the drowning of Old Erith; theirs was an old, wealthy kingdom who worshiped an ancient, primordial leviathan named Agdolath. In order to honor her and avoid

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