Classwork-Parker King

  • Need to Know: The audience needs to know that something unnerving is coming to planet Crytogam. A new force will be coming to take over the planet. They must be stopped. (Create some sort of foreshadowing here). They need to now who the main character “Ivy” is and what she is doing there. Also the audience needs to know that this culture is based off of environmentalism.
  • Could Wait: The grounder colony in the near future, will need new weapons and tactics. The new force has advanced technology (which isn’t known yet). The grounders will soon use poisonous fungi from their great forest, and utilize other weapons to prepare to defend their home. They must relay on nearby resources and colonies to upgrade their defensive tactics.
  • Incidental: I think something incidental that doesn’t play a large large role in the plot of the story is exactly where the invaders come from. The whole conflict is that invaders are trying to take over crytogam and the great forest. It will be made known they are from a different planet far away, but the exact name, settings, and background of the planet is not disclosed. The reason why is simply because they recognize that they are more powerful than the crytogam colonies and want the land/space.

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