Colin_Weed task 2

“Write about an organization that is terrorizing a town in your world”.

It is currently present day, you wake up to your alarm that was set for 8am. You slowly get out of bed and begin to get dressed. As you walk downstairs you see your mother has already prepared breakfast and has made you lunch for school. As you finish eating breakfast you hear a knock on your door and see your best friend waiting for you. You quickly put the dishes in the dishwasher and rush out the door to walk with your friend. You two have your normal everyday conversations about classes and the new video game that just came out yesterday. Then out of no where both of you get an alert on your phones.

Your friend looks at you and begins to panic you then proceed to read the alert. The message reads “Any to all civilians please proceed to this location, there are currently bio weapons that have been released by the black ops organization, this is classified as a terrorist attack and must be taken with extra caution.” You and your friend can’t believe this and think it’s some sort of prank but you both hear screaming and people running. As you both run towards the screams you see people in these black suits causing mayhem. You and your friend both realize these people are the bio weapons, this realization occurs when these people in black suits display some kind of power. It’s very destructive and very dangerous, these powers are not only destroying buildings but are killing innocent civilians.

Your friend grabs your arm and you both start running towards this unknown safe haven. As your both running you hear loud explosions and people screaming behind you. After a good amount of running you both finally make it to the location. It looks like a bunker and its being run by the military, you are soon greeted by a solider who gives you directions on where to go. As you both begin to walk into the bunker sirens go off and all you hear are gunshots. You both begin to run faster and faster towards the bunker as the doors begin to close.  Once you make it into the bunker you turn around you see soldiers laying on the ground and a small group of these bio weapons looking at the closed doors.

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