man, gun, military

Project 1 – David Lavoie

Viral Assassins

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Viral Assassins

,,Viral Assassin’s [[Click to Begin |Scene 1]] “Welcome to the VA. Most people know us as the disinfectors or the cure, but that’s not what we are known for. Singlehandedly wiped out the entire species of mosquitos that have been known to transmit viruses such as Ebola and Milaria. I heard that you were here to learn more about the process as a potential student in biology and geniology. Come now, follow me.” – Director [[Follow the Director |Scene 2]] As you follow the director down the hallway you notice many windowed rooms, with the patients in each one looking at you as if you had killed their puppies. With each passing room the patients look more and more ill, as well as having a longer stay in their respective rooms. [[Ask “What’s up with them?”|Scene 3]] [[Ask “What are you doing to these people?”|Scene 4]] “The patients have been kept for observation, either because we were the only ones that were able to cure them medically, or they were willing to be tested to advance our research. It’s truely honorable.” The Director Claims. [[Ask “Has anyone died yet from this research?”|Scene 5]] “What are we doing? These patients have been kept for observation, either because we were the only ones that were able to cure them medically, we are saving them. For others, they were willing to be tested to advance our research. It’s truely honorable.” The Director Claims. [[Ask “How many have died from this research?”|Scene 5]] “Surprisingly, as it may seem, we’ve only lost one patient, and she used to be a nurse for us. Her name was Nacy Shapel. It was very unfortunate, she was treating a patient we had given the ebola vaccine to after testing a specific transfer qualitys of the infection. Unfortunately for her she contracted it, and since we only had one dose we weren’t able to save her.” [[State “Wow that’s awful, hopefully her family atleast had the chance to say goodbye.”|Scene 6]] [[State “Yikes, I’m sorry to hear that.”|Scene 6]] [[Exclaim “That’s one too many!”|Scene 7]] “It was a tough loss to say the least, never the less the research must continue. As bad as it sounds one life lost to save millions of lives is a small price to pay. Right now we are developing ways to stop the common flu, and a newer form of the horsehair worm parasite. Ever since the genocide of the mosiqitos, this parasite has evolved in ways that are very scary to our current knowledge of nature.” [[Ask “What kind of traits is it exhibiting?”|Scene 8]] “That’s it I have heard enough,” shouts the director. “Take em away, he is patient 347. Give them test dose 5, we will make them useful to our research. Two burley men grab you by the arms and drag you to a chamber. One knocks you out and you wake up strapped to a chair with a missing foot. [[Scream “Help!!”|Scene 30]] [[Look down in disbelief… |Scene 30]]“They have been showing signs of biological growth, and genocidal take over within smaller animals. While we’ve kept them contained, the scientists in the labs have noticed strange behavior in the field mice that we conduct tests on. One of our biological studies for limb regeneration has actually shown that the parasite actually induces a fake growing limb to confide its host.” [[Ask “So basically this parasite will attach and form to the mice with missing limbs by benefiting its new host with a prosthetic limb?”|Scene 9]] [[Exclaim “That’s very interesting, what we going to do to prevent the current regeneration?”|Scene 10]] Different Story Paths and Endings Main Story Progression Line “That is correct!” says the director. “The one issue we have been noticing is that most whom recieve this limb undergo a really bad reaction to its initial conjointing to the person.” [[Ask “What kinds of reactions?”|Scene 11]]”It is difficult to say” says the director. “The regeneration factor seems to be helpful to the patients, but the parasite seems to be doing more damage than beneficial work within the host.” [[Ask “Is it possible to stop the parasite after the limb regeneration?”|Scene 11]]”With the current type of limb regeneration, it is hard to say what we could do to stop the parasite. Patients tend to react with painful sensations, then most either go silent, or the regenerative limb displaces itself from the host.” [[Ask “So we must be investigating how to stop the parasites negative reactions?”|Scene 12]]”RED ALERT, RED ALERT CONTAINMENT BREACH IN CELL 359 GIVE CAUTION SITUATION UNKNOWN” “Shit!” Exclaims the Director. [[Ask “WHAT’S GOING ON??”|Scene 13]] <audio src=”” autoplay>[[…|Scene 31]]Someone enters the room and injects a needle into the open would, you feel a very intense burning sensation, comparable to a fire pit roasting where your foot had been removed. Your screams are muffled and muted by the scientist talking around you. You lose conciousness. [[…|Scene 32]]You wake up, and you start to move around. Your leg is restored, but something doesn’t feel correct. Upon waking up, and moving, you realize that your movements aren’t within your control. Slowly, your limb enslaved body starts moving toward the nearest person in the room. [[Try and say “Someone Help Me!”|Scene 33]]It was useless, your mouth was kept shut, and your ability to speak has faded, you have become a passenger in your own body. As your enslaved body approaches the man guarding the door, it lunges toward his arm and you unwillingly bite a chunk off. Horrified on the inside, you’ve become a living zombie, and there is nothing you can do, but watch horrified recessed in your own mind. The mans wound starts healing, and before it was noticable, he also arose and acquired the enslavement from the parasite. Soon after the two of you make your way down the hallway, and start infecting more people. [[Before..|Scene 34]]BLAM!!!! Everything fades to black, and you are no long amoung the living, or the dead… [[Play Again?|Scene 1]] <audio src=”″ autoplay>”Look we were testing different variations of the parasites to see if they provided other types of repairs or fixes for their horsts. 359 was a test that allows the parasite to take control of the sense of the host, to manipulate the reaction and reduce the risk of rejection.” [[Ask “What’s all the commotion about then?”|Scene 14]]”Well either way I am going to have to cut this tour short. If you’d like you can come with me to investigate the situation, or you can go home and prepare for your second day of work and extend your tour.” [[Accept “Okay let’s take a look.”|Scene 15]] [[Decline “I think I’m just going to head home.”|Scene 16]]You and the director follow the hallways to 359. Outside of the room there are people screaming with streaks of blood near the walls. As you both approach 359, you can see the patient has a bullet through their skull, that was shot on the other side of the glass wall. 3 others in the room have blood splatters, and are groaning. The three of them rise up at the same time, and with bloodshot yellowed eyes, stare at both you and the director. [[“What’s wrong with them?”|Scene 17]]As you leave the building you hear an access of screaming and gunshots. As you drive away uncertain about how you feel, on the other side of the highway speeds in multiple police forces and ambulances. On your drive home, you have the radio on the station covering the events happening at the VA. [[Listen and Drive”Help!!”|Scene 40]] The director approaches the three patients, they start to snarl and run toward him. The director, looking back at you, turns to have one of them take a chunk of flesh out of his neck, where he bleeds out on the floor. Upon seeing this you run in the opposite direction, to get as far away as you can from these monsters. As you run and run, more of them appear seemingly out of nowhere and you are stuck only to fight them until help arrives. [[Grab the nearest blunt weapon.|Scene 18]]True Ending “All units in need, I repeat all units in need.” You hear as you enter your drive way, “Opposition threat has no weaponry, but has taken multiple people down through blunt force. Some survivors have been rushed to the hospital in critical condition, I repeat All Units go to the VA Build-” Your car shuts off. You go inside and go about your night regularly, in hopes that his will all be cleared up by tomorrow, or atleast in a few weeks when the mess is cleaned up. [[Sleep|Scene 41]] You turn on your TV to see that the VA had been bordered up and locked down. The Director, and all of the scientists within have been pronounced dead, but one issue remains… The parasite has spread and inhabited those picking up the scene… [[To Be Continued… Restart and Find another way?|Scene 1]] As you look around you notice there are a few others fending for themselves. You begin to fight your way toward them, smacking and hitting the paractic hosts. As you begin to lose energy, there is a faint cry of the police cars and ambulances outside. As the police make their way through the building, you faint from energy exhaustion. [[…|Scene 19]]You wake up in the hospital next to a few other survivors of the attack. The others seem to be still fast asleep, but trembling due to the trauma they had just endured. [[Stand Up|Scene 20]]You look out the window where everything looks peaceful, and the news is conjuring up about the events at the VA. Unknowingly to everyone else, on the the patients in the room with you in it, had a parasite attached to their back during the escape…. [[“To be continued… Find the alternate endings!”|Scene 1]]

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