Review scene for your classmates as follows
- Read scene
- Give emotional feedback as you go (haha, what was that? yikes, etc), so they know which parts had an effect
- Ask questions about information you need but don’t yet have; then tell writer if the info was
- need to know
- could learn later
- incidental
- Does this scene have a “want/but” structure of desire that is clear? If not, how could it be made more clear
- Discuss 3 other possible scenes that would build on the “want/but” structure. In other words, how does the protagonist/player act to get what s/he wants, and how are those actions frustrated in such a way that s/he must grow/change/evolve in order to get what they want?
- Use these to build scenes for Task 7
Add answers to all 6 questions to the bottom of your Task 5 post, and keep them in mind when creating your scenes for Task 7.