fantasy, feet, knight

Scene Work

Review scene for your classmates as follows

  1. Read scene
  2. Give emotional feedback as you go (haha, what was that? yikes, etc), so they know which parts had an effect
  3. Ask questions about information you need but don’t yet have; then tell writer if the info was
    1. need to know
    2. could learn later
    3. incidental
  4. Does this scene have a “want/but” structure of desire that is clear?  If not, how could it be made more clear
  5. Discuss 3 other possible scenes that would build on the “want/but” structure.  In other words, how does the protagonist/player act to get what s/he wants, and how are those actions frustrated in such a way that s/he must grow/change/evolve in order to get what they want?
  6. Use these to build scenes for Task 7

Add answers to all 6 questions to the bottom of your Task 5 post, and keep them in mind when creating your scenes for Task 7.