
We will explore various tools for creating interactive, game-like stories. We will also structure classwork like a game with tasks and levels, so the more levels you complete, the higher your grade. We will also consider larger cultural narratives, many of which are in the process of transition.
In video games the player becomes the story–an ideal model for activism in the real world. But how do you create stories that players can inhabit? What story devices from traditional storytelling work? Which ones need to be tweaked? This semester we will explore interactive storytelling formats, and walk you through exercises to get you developing game narratives that can lead to real learning and real world action.
Texts, video, software and other materials via website
- Video Game Storytelling: What Every Developer Needs to Know about Narrative Techniques, Evan Skolnick
- World Anvil
- OneStop
- Scrivener
- Twine, online
- Game Design Document

learning outcomes
—Understand and create basic elements of story structure: character arcs, plot/play, world building, level & ability development, audio
—Use interactive techniques to craft game-like stories, or gamify more conventional stories
—Practice stages of game story creation through trial, feedback, revision
—Know how to mine life experiences, place, history, family, community and values for story ideas
—Can evaluate and give useful story feedback to peers
- —Commit to class session, your own learning, and supporting your peers.
- —Develop team and collaborative skills: Share. Ask for help. Give help.
- —Keep up, or contact me asap to request a “break” if you need one.
- —Respect everyone: professor, visitors, classmates, yourself.
- —Practice claiming your truths in ways that are constructive and supportive.
- —Insist on your own and peer creative development. Negotiate with me for this.
- —Protect everyone’s health and privileges with safe Covid practices.

There will be no final exam. Final projects will be due at the beginning of exam week.
- 30% Project 1 draft
- 30% Project 1 revision
- 30% Levels 1, 2, 3 ; Tasks, Quizzes, Attendance & participation
A Complete all 3 Levels with excellent final project. Outstanding work beyond class requirements, robust contribution to class and peers. No more than 1 excused & 1 unexcused absence.
B Mostly Complete all 3 Levels with good final project. Very good work. fulfills all class requirements, good contribution to class and peers. No more than 4 total absences
C Complete 2 Levels, with some attempt at Level 3. Basic work, missing only 1-2 assignments , minimal contribution to class or peers. No more than 6 total absences.
D Complete only 2 Levels. Bare minimum meeting learning requirements. Missing more than 2 assignments. More than 6 absences.
F Complete only Level 1 or less. Poor assignments, many assignments missing.

University Policies
- Monitor for the symptoms of COVID-19 personally and via the symptom monitoring app. Report to a medical professional if fever of 100.4° F (38° C) or higher, dry cough, difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or loss of taste or smell
- Self-report by calling the university COVID-19 Hotline, 207.581.2681, if a medical professional has asked you to isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19 diagnosis or close contact
- Wash my hands often with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer
- Get vaccinated for the flu each fall
- Keep myself educated on the COVID vaccination
- Maintain appropriate social distancing (6 feet), especially in indoor settings
- Stay home if feeling ill or after exposure to someone who is ill or has tested positive for COVID-19
- Wear an appropriate face covering and other protective gear as directed by the university
- Be positive, sensitive and helpful to anyone around who may be troubled or struggling
- Keep clothing, belongings, personal spaces and shared common spaces clean
- Participate in testing and contact tracing to preserve the wellness of the community
- Carefully observe instructional signs and follow directions
- Minimize travel outside the local area to help prevent community transmission; university-sponsored travel is restricted
- Get tested regularly
Main Policies
Academic Honesty
Students Accessibility Services Statement
Course Schedule Disclaimer
Observance of Religious Holidays/Events
Sexual Discrimination Reporting
COVID-19 Statement
Additional Policies
Student Conduct Expectations
Classroom Civility
Inclusive and Non-sexist Language
Copyright Notice for Materials Accessible through the Course Website
Contingency Plans in the Event of an Epidemic
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